Tower MSA Signature Tool
Welcome to the employees-only signature tool page. Please refrain from sharing the URL with any non-Tower employees.
Email Signature Tool
Please use the form below to create an HTML email signature for use within Outlook.
- Complete the information and click the "Generate" button.
- The system will generate your customized HTML signature.
- Copy and paste this signature into Outlook.
Please Read and Follow the Instructions Carefully
How to Copy Your Signature
- Click with your mouse and hold the right click button while dragging to select the entire contents of the signature.
- Please click on the button to copy the signature.
- Be sure to read the instructions and follow them completely.
- Some email clients are not as easy as copy and paste.
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Jane Smith
Operations Assistant
555-555-5555 x54321
Tower MSA Partners
223 NE 5th Avenue, Suite 101
Delray Beach, Florida 33483
NOTICE: The information contained in this transmission may be privileged and confidential. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail.
Step 2: Open your signature editor within Outlook.
- Windows users will create a new email message. In the middle of the top icon bar, there will be an icon for "Signature." Click/mouse-over the small arrow and choose "Signatures."
- Choose "New" and give your signature the name "Tower MSA."
- Click in the editor and press "CTRL-V" to paste the signature.
- Ensure the proper email address/account is selected in the upper right.
- Ensure the "Tower MSA" signature is specified for new messages.
- Ensure the "Tower MSA" signature is specified for replies and forwards.
- Click "OK."
- Mac users will create a new email message. In the middle of the top icon bar, there will be an icon for "Signature." Click/mouse-over the small arrow and choose "Edit Signatures."
- Choose the "+" on the left and give your signature the name "Tower MSA."
- Click in the editor and press "CTRL-V" to paste the signature. ***IMPORTANT*** A small clipboard icon will appear. You MUST click on this and choose "Keep Source Formatting." If you do not do this, the signature will not display correctly and will violate the branding guidelines.
- Ensure the proper email address/account is selected at the bottom.
- Ensure the "Tower MSA" signature is specified for new messages.
- Ensure the "Tower MSA" signature is specified for replies and forwards.
- Click "OK."