Tower MSA Partners:  Medicare Secondary Payer compliance and Medicare Set-Asides centered on settlements

Tower MSA providers in meeting room working on settlement

A Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) settlement partner, not just a provider

Providers are in the MSA business. Tower is in the settlement business. We embrace your goals and kick down barriers to settlement. We are your partner. Our approach to seamless settlements, MSP compliance and timely Section 111 reporting redefines industry standards.

Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) compliance without complications

MSP compliance is complicated. You must ensure accurate, timely Section 111 reporting, resolve conditional payments, and settle claims with MSAs. No worries, though. Tower simplifies it for you.

Lady on laptop working on MSP compliance
Tower MSA team member signing paper work

MSAs made for settlement

Tower’s MSAs drive settlements. We remove costs, consult with you each step of the way, and become part of your settlement team.

Our customers speak for us

MSP Compliance Blog

Expert analysis and recommendations on issues that impact MSP compliance and MSAs.

CMS Section 111 Reference Guide Update Clarifies Date of Incident Reporting

New DOI Reporting Rules for Cumulative Injuries in Section 111 NGHP Guide The new update of the Section 111 NGHP User Guide, Version 7.6, clarifies how to report the Date of Incident (DOI) in a Cumulative Injury.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services added the following to Chapter III … Continue reading CMS Section 111 Reference Guide Update Clarifies Date of Incident Reporting

Section 111 Reporting for WCMSAs & Avoiding Civil Penalties

It’s time to get everything set up to accommodate new Section 111 reporting fields for WCMSAs. While compliance has long been required, Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) are real now. Tower’s Chief Technology Officer Jesse Shade joined our Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders for the “Premier Webinar: Get Ready for Section … Continue reading Section 111 Reporting for WCMSAs & Avoiding Civil Penalties

Tower’s Physician Follow-Up Service Kicks Costly SCS Out of MSA

Nothing can stall settlement faster than a Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) that includes an unnecessary or unwanted medical procedure. Procedures like surgeries, spinal cord stimulators (SCSs), and intrathecal pain pumps significantly raise the costs of MSA allocations. Fortunately, Tower’s client partners have access to our complimentary Physician Follow-up service that Save … Continue reading Tower’s Physician Follow-Up Service Kicks Costly SCS Out of MSA

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Security and Confidentiality Assurance

With a clear understanding of the importance of our systems, software, and data to Tower’s business functions, Tower implemented an enterprise-wide security infrastructure to guard against, detect and mitigate cyberattacks. Learn more…