Tower MSA Feaured On Yahoo! Finance
January 21, 2016
An excellent article on Yahoo! Finance today features our Tower MSA Pre-MSA Triage Program.
“Workers’ compensation payers using Tower MSA Partners’ Pre-MSA Triage have seen their Medicare Set-Aside allocations dramatically reduced.”
The article went on to say:
“Tower’s Pre-MSA Triage analyzes medical and pharmacy records, identifies unnecessary, inappropriate, cost-driving treatment and recommends interventions to improve patient and financial outcomes. The service ensures that MSAs include only accurate and appropriate medical and pharmaceutical allocations.”
The article also cited case studies:
“In another case, more than $210,000 of a $239,006 projected MSA was due to medication costs, including prescriptions no longer being filled. “We believed the medications were no longer necessary and should be discontinued,” Wilson said, “but without proper documentation and the correct MSA language, they would have been included in future treatment and costs.”
The full article on Yahoo! Finance is available here.