Attend the Virtual MSPN Annual Conference!
August 23, 2021

The National Medicare Secondary Payer Network (MSPN) will hold its virtual MSPN Annual Conference on September 29 and 30. With the theme of the Roaring ‘20s, the conference celebrates surviving, revamping, and emerging stronger.
MSPN is the only national MSP organization with an influential membership base of claims adjusters, insurance carriers, life care planners, Medicare Set-Aside allocators, nurses, and other medical professionals. Attorneys, professional administrators, self-insured employers, settlement planners, social workers, structured settlement brokers, and third-party administrators are other prominent members. If you’re one of those, work for a self-insured employer, or are reading this post, you should attend.
Open to non-members, the MSPN Annual Conference is designed for insurance, healthcare, financial services, and litigation professionals whose business touch MSP compliance directly or tangentially. The conference applies for continuing education for multiple licenses and certifications in insurance, case management, legal, disability, nursing and other medical, and disability management fields.
Presented by national leaders in MSP compliance, representatives of CMS and its contractors, the annual meeting examines various aspects of Medicare Secondary Payment. Sessions dive into Medicare Set-Asides, the recent PAID Act, MSP compliance in Liability, legislative updates, the coming Civil Monetary Penalties for incomplete or inaccurate Section 111 reporting, post-settlement overview, and other timely topics.
CMS Directors and executives from its contractors explain its conditional payment recovery reimbursement and appeals processes in separate presentations. These give you a chance to hear from the folks who make the MSP decisions that determine our compliance.
Plus, Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer and MSPN President Dan Anders (that’s me) will host a lively Fire Side chat with Jackie Cipa, Deputy Director, CMS Division of MSP Program Operations and Steve Forry, CMS Division Director for MSP Program Operations. They will share meaningful takeaways from this year’s annual meeting and highlight emergent issues in the MSP universe.
You can find plenty of information on MSPN’s website about the conference along with early registration fee discounts (Available before Sept. 1). Remember, the conference is virtual, September 29 and 30 (As the conference is virtual, all sessions will be recorded and may be viewed post the set conference days). Don’t delay! Register today!
If you have questions about the MSPN or its annual meeting, do not hesitate to contact me at or (888) 331-4941.