April 1st Brings Electronic Payment Option to MSPRP
March 15, 2019

In a March 13, 2019 webinar, CMS provided a high-level overview of the electronic payment option to be added to the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP) effective April 1, 2019. Below are the step-by-step instructions for using this E-Payment service:
- Login to the MSPRP and select the Case ID link from the Cases table for the case in which you would like to make a payment.
- On the Payment Information tab select the Make a Payment button on the lower left-hand corner.
- Then, on the Make a Payment page you will find the Remaining Principal Amount, Remaining Interest Amount and Total Remaining Balance Amount. In the Amount Field the amount to be paid is entered, either a partial or full amount, and in the Account Holder Name field the account holder name as it appears on the account under which payment will be made. Click Continue.
- Once you click Continue you will be taken to Pay.gov in a new internet browser window (Pay.gov is a secure, online payment system run by the U.S. Department of Treasury). On this screen Pay.gov requires you to choose one of the following payment methods: Direct payment from checking or savings account, debit card or PayPal. Credit card transactions are not allowed (We assume this is to avoid the credit card fees which would otherwise limit the government’s recovery).
- Once the payment method is chosen you will be taken to an Enter Payment Information screen and then a Review and Submit Payment screen (Maximum amount for a debit card is $24,999.99 and for PayPal it is $10,000). Once payment is submitted the next screen will indicate either the payment is in process or declined with a confirmation number, Case ID and Debtor Name.
- After the payment process has been completed on Pay.gov you will then be taken back to the Case Information page in the MSPRP. Here you can view a tab with the electronic payment history.
CMS advised that payment processing time is 1 to 3 days on average and the statement will indicate a payment to “HMSCMS.” Importantly, CMS advised that for the purpose of interest calculations the date the electronic payment is made will be the receipt date for payment, not when the payment is processed.
If in the process of using Pay.gov any problems are experienced Pay.gov customer support can be contacted at 800-624-1373 (Select Option #2) or pay.gov.clev@clev.frb.org.
Notably, if following an electronic payment, Medicare determines that a refund of all or part of the payment is required, the refund will not be credited back to the form of payment, i.e. debit card, used to make the electronic payment. Instead, a physical check will be issued to the address on file.
Practical Implications
The addition of the electronic payment option to the MSPRP is a welcome upgrade to not only the portal, but the process of resolving Medicare conditional payments. Importantly, electronic payment of a Medicare conditional payment demand requires you to have access to the MSPRP and have an authorization on file with the recovery contractor allowing for access to the demand on the particular case (Medicare beneficiaries do not need an authorization on file but must access the MSPRP through MyMedicare.gov). If you do not have such access or choose not to make an electronic payment, then the traditional method of mailing a check to either the CRC or BCRC is still available.
CMS advised that the slides from the webinar will be available on the CMS website next week. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Anders at (888) 331-4941 or daniel.anders@towermsa.com.