New Section 111 Dashboard Can Help You Avoid Penalties
September 1, 2020

Tower MSA Partners has created an intuitive, easy-to-use Section 111 dashboard to help you avoid CMS’s penalties for non-compliance with Section 111 reporting. Once in effect, the penalties can amount to up to $1,000 per day per claimant for things like failing to accurately ORM and TPOC.
Our new Section 111 dashboard provides 24/7 access to your claims data and reporting oversight for all aspects of the reporting process. It will even remind you to update ORM Term Dates when claims settle. You can run all kinds of reports and correct errors on the fly.
For details, please see the news release: Tower MSA Partners Releases Medicare Mandatory Reporting Dashboard. And, for a quick refresher on CMS’s proposed penalties, see Tower’s Feb. 18 and April 27 posts:
CMS Issues Proposed Rule for Mandatory Insurer Reporting Penalties