Tower Releases White Paper on Future Medicals in Liability Settlements
December 13, 2022

This past October, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) withdrew its proposed rule on future medicals in liability settlements from review by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). (See CMS Withdraws Proposed Rule on Future Medicals in Liability Settlements).
Right now, we don’t know if a proposed rule around Liability Medicare Set-Asides (LMSAs) will be reworked and resubmitted to OIRA for consideration soon or whether CMS is closing out regulations around liability settlements and future medicals for the foreseeable future.
Given the lack of guidance from CMS, we thought this was an opportune time to update our white paper, Navigating through the Fog: Medicare, Future Medicals & Liability Settlements. Authored by Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders, the paper explores CMS authority to regulate future medicals and provides guidance to the liability practitioner as to how to address future medicals at the time of settlement.