Tower Premier Webinar: A Claims Professional’s Guide to Successful Settlements with MSAs

September 12, 2024

Medicare Set-Aside

Overcoming Medicare Set-Asides Challenges: Key Strategies for Successful Settlements

Navigating Medicare Set-Asides can often feel like a daunting challenge during settlement. Even when all parties agree on the need to include an MSA, the allocation may be too high or the documentation requirements too burdensome.
However, the MSA hurdle can be overcome with the right approach.

Understanding when an MSA is appropriate, what’s needed to prepare a reasonable MSA, and how to manage cost and time factors are key to overcoming these obstacles.

Join Our Webinar: Expert Guide to MSAs on October 2, 2024

Join us on October 2, 2024, at 2 pm ET, as Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, and Brittney O’Neal, Director of Clinical Operations, present a claims professional’s guide to successful settlements with MSAs. In this webinar, we’ll cover:

•  The appropriate time to obtain an MSA
• Essential documentation for drafting an MSA
• Differentiating between Medicare-covered or non-Medicare-covered treatment
• Understanding the difference between submitted and non-submitted MSAs
• Strategies when a CMS-approved MSA cannot be obtained
• Utilizing the CMS re-review and amended review process effectively
•  Circumstances when a $0 MSA is appropriate
• The value of MSA professional administration and structured settlements

If you are interested in the ins and outs of MSAs, this free webinar is for you. Plus, if there is something about MSAs you’ve always wondered about, ask us! When you click on the registration link below, you will not only be able to register, but you can also submit a question to be answered during the webinar.

Hope you can join us on October 2 at 2 pm ET!


CMS Releases NGHP Beneficiary Appeals Guide

August 8, 2024

NGHP Beneficiary Appeals Guide.

CMS recently released an NGHP Beneficiary Appeals Reference Guide. This valuable resource explains how a Medicare beneficiary claimant, their attorney or another authorized representative can work with the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Contractor (BCRC) to resolve Medicare conditional payment demands.

This informative document details how and when CMS recovers Medicare conditional payments from claimant Medicare beneficiaries in workers’ compensation, no-fault and liability claims.

Comprehensive Guide to Post-Settlement Medicare Conditional Payment Recovery and Appeals

The NGHP Beneficiary Appeals Guide is a helpful and comprehensive roadmap to the specifics of post-settlement Medicare conditional payment recovery from a claimant Medicare beneficiary. It covers the recovery process, pre-demand calculation options, the appeals process and payment methods. In addition, an appeal submission example and other sample letters are provided.

For cases involving conditional payment recovery from payers, CMS offers the NGHP Applicable Plan Appeals Reference Guide to the resolution of demands from the Commercial Repayment Center (CRC).

We commend CMS for creating this guide to help payers, attorneys, and Medicare beneficiaries better understand the Medicare conditional payment recovery processes and their rights and responsibilities during settlement.

As always, Tower is ready to help you with any conditional payment, Medicare Secondary Payer compliance, or Medicare Set-Aside issue. We especially enjoy your challenging cases! Contact Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders at

New Updates to CMS’s WCMSA Reference Guide and Self Administration Tool Kit

August 7, 2024

WCMSA Reference Guide on

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently updated its Workers Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) Reference Guide and WCMSA Self Administration Toolkit. These updates guide MSA administration when the beneficiary is enrolled in a Part C Medicare Advantage Plan or a Part D Prescription Drug Plan.

WCMSA Reference Guide Update

In its Version 4.1 of the WCMSA Reference Guide, CMS added an “Other Health Coverage,” section.  Section 4.1.3 says:

a WCMSA is still recommended when you have coverage through other private health insurance, the Veterans Administration, Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Medicare Prescription Drug Program (Part D)

CMS added the following as an explanation:

Other coverage could be canceled or you could elect not to use such a plan.

This makes sense for private health insurance, which a person may drop after becoming eligible for Medicare. Likewise, a veteran could treat at the VA initially and later seek treatment outside the VA.

However, CMS’s placement of Medicare Part C and D under “Other Health Coverage” is confusing. These are alternative delivery systems for Medicare benefits; a person must be Medicare-covered to use them. And there is no distinction between original Medicare and Parts C and D when it comes to the need for a WCMSA.

The guide makes clear distinctions regarding the coordination of benefits.

CMS notifies Part C and D plan sponsors that a WCMSA has been approved and instructs plan sponsors to conduct Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) investigations. However, CMS does not relay WCMSA details to plan sponsors. Instead, CMS instructs plan sponsors to seek WCMSA coverage details from the WCMSA administrator as part of the plan sponsor’s investigation. When possible, Part C and D plan sponsors are required to avoid paying for expenses that should be covered by a WCMSA. (Emphasis added.)

It’s unclear why CMS does not provide WCMSA details to C and D plan sponsors as it does with original Medicare. Perhaps it’s a technology issue. From an MSP compliance standpoint, doing so would be beneficial to the plans and the injured worker as well as the taxpayers who pay for these plans.

A Quick Detour to Conditional Payments

After this section, CMS shifts from its WCMSA discussion to this statement on liens:

When a settlement is reached, the settlement details dictate who is responsible for ensuring Medicare (Parts A, B, C, and/or D) is repaid for any conditional payments associated with the WC illness or injury. If the settlement does not identify funds for past debt, CMS considers those debts up to the date of settlement to belong to the WC insurer.

Recovery may be sought from any party receiving inappropriate payment on behalf of the beneficiary.

This highlights the importance of including in the settlement terms which party is responsible for the resolution of Medicare conditional payments, whether from original Medicare or a Part C or D plan.

The Administrator Provides Treatment Details

Then the text returns to WCMSAs with this:

The administrator must provide details concerning treatments and medications used exclusively to treat a related illness or injury to the plan sponsor so the sponsor may avoid making primary payment in the future.

The MSA must either be self-administered by the injured worker or professionally administered by a third party, such as Ametros.

This last sentence in Section 4.1.3 is explained in more detail in the updated Self-Administration Toolkit, Version 1.6:

CMS will tell your Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan that a WCMSA has been approved. Insurance plans are not given specific information about treatment and medications that should be covered by the WCMSA. You must tell your insurance plan sponsor any details concerning treatments and medications used exclusively to treat a related illness or injury, so they can avoid making primary payment in the future. CMS requires your plan to contact you or the administrator of your WCMSA to find out which expenses are covered by your WCMSA. The plan must avoid paying for expenses that are included in the WCMSA. The plan has a responsibility to recover any payments it made that should have been paid by the WCMSA. If you do not respond to your plan’s investigation efforts, your coverage may be delayed or cancelled.

If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan, please contact your plan to discuss your WCMSA, if you have not already done so.

Since CMS does not “relay WCMSA details to plan sponsors,” this appears to be how the Part C and D plans learn which diagnoses, treatments, and medications are included in the MSA.

WC Payers and CMS have made tremendous investments into Section 111 reporting and the WCMSA submission and approval processes. Therefore, it is disappointing that the MSA administrator is responsible for communicating with the Part C or D plan.

It remains unclear exactly how the MSA administrator will communicate with the Part C and D plans. Will the plan provide the administrator with a form or other instructions on how to notify the plans? How often should such communication occur?

All in all, this makes MSA self-administration even more difficult.

Tower does its best to help clients and partners navigate CMS changes. Our Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, is available to answer questions and discuss how these updates affect you. Contact him at

Section 111 Reporting for WCMSAs & Avoiding Civil Penalties

June 28, 2024

Section 111 Reporting for WCMSAs: Avoiding Civil Penalties

It’s time to get everything set up to accommodate new Section 111 reporting fields for WCMSAs. While compliance has long been required, Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) are real now.

Tower’s Chief Technology Officer Jesse Shade joined our Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders for the “Premier Webinar: Get Ready for Section 111 Reporting Penalties and WCMSA Reporting” to help attendees do just that. Here are the highlights:

Important Section 111 penalty and WCMSA reporting dates

October 11, 2024
The date that CMS starts to make Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) accountable for the timely reporting of ongoing responsibility for medicals (ORM) and of the Total Payment Obligation to the Claimant (TPOC). Any claims with ORM or TPOC on or after October 11, 2024, can be audited and subject to penalties.

April 1, 2025
CMS requires the reporting of WCMSA information when a TPOC is reported

October 11, 2025
Date that CMS starts its compliance review process.

April 1, 2026
CMS begins Section 111 reporting audits.

About those penalties

No penalties will be issued for claims that are reported within one year of the date of acceptance of ORM or the TPOC date. And no claims with ORM or TPOC dates prior to October 11, 2024, will be reviewed.

If a claim is not reported within one year, the RRE can incur penalties of $357 per calendar day. This per-day penalty increases to $1,428 if it’s not reported for three years. (These are 2024 inflation-adjusted rates.)

The good news is that CMS caps the amount of a penalty for a single instance of noncompliance by a non-group health RRE. The bad news is that cap is $365,000!

In the somewhat good news department, CMS will randomly select only 1,000 claims to audit each year and audit 250 claims every quarter. Additionally, the agency will randomly select claims from group health as well as non-group health plan (NGHP) claims from workers’ compensation, liability and no-fault programs. This greatly mitigates your risk of an audit even if you have instances of late ORM or TPOC reporting.

How does CMS notify RREs of penalties?

CMS first emails an informal notice, so it is important to keep contact information updated in the Section 111 Profile. This initial notice allows the RRE to present mitigating evidence and this must be presented within 30 days.

Examples of the type of evidence to submit include: ORM was not reported because the claim was under investigation OR a good-faith effort was made to obtain claimant information, such as a social security number, but the claimant refused to provide it or did not respond. (See CMS Section 111 Penalties Rule Focuses on Untimely Reporting – Tower MSA for details on “good-faith efforts” to establish Medicare eligibility.)

If the RRE does not respond to the informal notice or CMS rejects the explanation, the agency mails a formal written notice. At this point, an RRE either needs to pay a fine or appeal to an administrative law judge within 60 days.

WCMSA Reporting Fields

Jesse Shade reviewed the upcoming changes CMS will implement to collect additional information on WCMSAs through Section 111 reporting. New fields and the information for them were covered in this post.

Tower smooths the transition for its Section 111 clients.

Jesse also described Tower’s IT efforts to make things as easy as possible for our Section 111 reporting clients. Our goal is to improve your ability to monitor the pivotal events in a claim.

The first step for Tower reporting clients is adding the new WCMSA fields to the end of your current claim input file.  Once the fields are added to the feed file, testing will be scheduled to confirm that the data is properly transmitted to Tower. Tower will, in turn, participate in a testing period with CMS that begins in October.

The additional fields will require those who enter the Section 111 reporting information to be trained on when to enter the WCMSA date, what date to enter, and how to enter the data.

Additionally, Tower will highlight in our MSA delivery correspondence the importance of completing this information at the time of settlement.

Tower will continue to provide comprehensive reports to our Section 111 reporting clients, ensuring the accuracy of the data reported.

Our commitment is to make this transition easy and seamless for everyone involved and we will customize systems where needed so the process works for all our clients.

Practices that protect RREs from penalties

Dan advised clients to do the following to maintain compliance with the reporting rules:

  • Query claims to identify Medicare beneficiaries monthly and document when a social security number cannot be obtained.
  • Report ORM acceptance and TPOCs on the next quarterly submission.
  • Correct errors in reporting data to avoid report rejection (if they reject a submission, it will be considered untimely if not corrected within the reporting deadline).
  • When WCMSA reporting begins, make sure these fields are completed anytime a TPOC is reported.

The webinar also provided several examples of how ORM and TPOC penalties could work and how they could be mitigated. Slides and access to the recorded webinar can be requested from Dan Anders,

Tower’s proactive audit

To ensure your organization’s readiness for the coming audits and penalties, have Tower audit your processes, policies and systems to see if there are any holes in your compliance. Not only will we identify errors and other issues that could lead to penalties, but we also help you fix issues that lead to them. For more information on our Section 111 audit offer, please contact

Tower’s Physician Follow-Up Service Kicks Costly SCS Out of MSA

June 20, 2024


Nothing can stall settlement faster than a Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) that includes an unnecessary or unwanted medical procedure. Procedures like surgeries, spinal cord stimulators (SCSs), and intrathecal pain pumps significantly raise the costs of MSA allocations. Fortunately, Tower’s client partners have access to our complimentary Physician Follow-up service that Save on MSAs.

In a recent case, this service successfully removed a costly SCS from the MSA, resulting in a savings of $132,232.

Challenges with SCS Trial Inclusion in MSAs: Addressing Worker Reluctance and CMS Requirements

A worker who had suffered a low back injury was advised by his neurosurgeon and pain management physician to consider an SCS trial. A review of treatment records showed that the injured worker was very anxious about the procedure, and a psychological evaluation revealed a diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

Despite the worker’s reluctance to undergo the procedure, CMS will include it in the MSA, assuming that the worker may change their mind. Tower drafted an initial MSA to include the SCS for a total allocation of $157,500.

Successfully Removing SCS from MSA with Physician Statements: Tower’s Approach

The injured worker’s resistance to the procedure and results of the psych evaluation indicated he would not be a suitable candidate for an SCS. Therefore, we recommended that our Physician Follow-up service obtain statements from both physicians that confirmed the SCS is no longer part of the treatment plan. (If only one physician had provided a statement, CMS would likely keep the SCS in the MSA).

After client approval, in compliance with this jurisdiction’s regulations, Tower notified the plaintiff’s attorney of our intention to communicate with the injured worker’s providers. We then contacted the neurosurgeon and pain management specialist and provided them drafts of physician statements that confirmed the SCS is no longer a treatment option.

While it took several weeks of persistent follow-up with the physicians’ offices, Tower successfully obtained both signed statements.

Efficient MSA Revision: Tower Achieves Significant Cost Reduction and Quick CMS Approval

Tower revised the MSA down from $157,500 to $25,268 and submitted it to CMS. CMS approved the MSA within two weeks for the proposed amount.

In response, Tower’s client said, “Great job, Tower! I am so thankful for our partnership and truly appreciate your hard work and persistence. $132k in savings!!! Woohoo!”

The defense attorney said, “you guys work some real magic here, bravo!”

It’s more methodology than magic, but we often find opportunities to reduce the allocation or mitigate potential increases from CMS review when we draft an MSA. Vague references to potential future procedures mean these costs will be included in the MSA. CMS’s exacting review process requires explicit confirmation of the last dates of service and ongoing treatment and medications.

At no extra charge, Tower contacts physicians, clarifies treatment, drafts physician statements, and obtains medical providers’ signatures to document dates of treatment and ongoing and future medical care. This service paves the way to quick CMS MSA approval and mitigates the potential for unexpected increases.

To learn more about our Physician Follow-up service, please get in touch with Hany Abdelsayed at 888.331.4941 or

How to Manage Medicare Set-Asides: Tips from Dan Anders

May 29, 2024

Manage Medicare Set Asides

Our Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders learned how to write Medicare Set-Asides (MSA) the hard way through trial and error in the days before the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid published complete guidelines.  Even now, the manuals and regulations don’t cover every detail.

And with MSAs details matter.  Proper documentation, down to the way the claimant signs and initials their consent form, is essential.  Dan compiled some tips for managing MSAs with CMS in his May 21 Leaders Speak article for WorkCompWire. These are among the topics covered:

Rated ages

The article highlights the use of rated ages as a way to calculate a fair allocation for the MSA.  Briefly, if an injured worker has comorbidities that will likely reduce their longevity, a rated age can reduce the allocation of the MSA.

How to respond to a dreaded Development Letter from CMS

Dan tells readers how to respond to a CMS Development Letter, which CMS sends when it needs additional information to review submitted MSA. These letters usually request updated treatment records, complete claim payment history of medical, indemnity and expenses, or a document that clearly outlines all the dates of injuries, all carriers, and all accepted and denied body parts.

Development letters can be avoided with the submission of all the correct documents with the MSA.  Some submissions provide an Independent Medical Evaluation or Qualified Medical Evaluator report in lieu of medical records. IMEs, QMEs and similar evaluations may influence a decision, but they cannot replace treatment records. And CMS wants ALL the injury-related records even if workers’ compensation did not pay for the treatment.

When to request a Re-Review

Dan also explains how to handle the Re-Review Appeal process. CMS can make mistakes when issuing counter-highers. He cites several common mistakes, including incorrect prescription drug pricing, misinterpretation of medical records, and using the wrong fee schedule. Always analyze counter-highers for potential errors and consider taking advantage of this appeal.

Tower is here to help manage Medicare Set-Asides

Read the article here and remember that Tower consults with its clients on every aspect of MSA submission and other Medicare Secondary Payer issues. Whether you’re a client yet or not, Dan is available to discuss issues you encounter with your MSAs.  Contact him at

Easy MSA Cost Savings Through Structured Settlements

June 21, 2023

Tower’s structured settlement partner, Arcadia Settlements Group, gave an in-depth overview of how Medicare Set-Asides, structured settlements, and professional administration facilitate workers’ comp settlements during our recent Premiere Webinar. Our Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, moderated the informative session that featured Alisa Hofmann, Arcadia’s VP of Workers’ Comp and Medicare Practices, and Lori Vaughn, who oversees its structured settlement programs.

As you may know, workers’ comp settlements can be paid out in a lump sum or through structured settlements.  Here are some not-so-fun facts about lump sums:

  • 25-30% of injured people exhaust lump sum settlement funds within 2-3 months.
  • 85-90% of injured people dissipate lump sum settlement funds within 2-5 years.

When injured workers exhaust these funds, if they are Medicare beneficiaries, they turn to Medicare to cover injury-related medical bills. And the whole point of the Medicare Secondary Payer Act is to prevent this.

Structured settlements protect the MSA funds by paying them over time as an annuity. The injured worker receives two years of the MSA allocation at settlement plus the cost of a first procedure or replacement if there are any. The rest of the MSA comes in annual payments, so the injured worker receives a consistent stream of funds for injury-related care over their lifetime.

For payers, this arrangement offers significant savings and a path to faster claim resolution, especially when paired with professional administration. And, like an MSA, the structured settlement shows Medicare that its interests are protected.

A Couple of Takeaways:

  • Structured settlements aren’t only for MSAs. They can be used for indemnity and funds for healthcare services and equipment not covered by Medicare. Even attorneys can be paid through these.
  • CMS-approved lump sum MSAs can be converted to a structured MSA but require submission to CMS of an attestation from the injured worker agreeing to the change.
  • It is easier to submit the MSA to CMS in the structured settlement format as if it is later decided to go with a lump sum there is no need to submit an injured worker letter to CMS agreeing to the change. In short, submitting in this format saves time, money and frustration.

Hofmann and Vaughn also discussed self-administration versus professional administration of the MSA. They urged payers to educate injured workers on the risks, rules, and responsibilities of MSA administration.

CMS prefers professional administration. Plus, some companies like our partner Ametros provide medical and pharmaceutical savings in addition to managing the fund and reporting.

With examples that show how structured settlements are calculated, the webinar is great for new claims representatives and those who want a refresh on settlement tools.  If you’d like to receive more information on structuring an MSA or a link to the recording, please email your request to Dan Anders at


CMS Significantly Expands Amended Review MSA Availability

May 17, 2023

Picture of someone reviewing documents of an MSA Amended reviews.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the expansion of its Amended Review policy to significantly more MSAs in the latest update to its WCMSA Reference Guide, Version 3.9. The Amended Review process was previously limited to MSAs approved within the last 12 to 60 months.

The 60-month limitation is now gone, opening the door to a second bite at the apple for any MSA approved over 12 months prior.

Does Your MSA Qualify?

CMS provides the following criteria for an Amended Review:

Where the following criteria are met, CMS will permit a one-time request for re-review in the form of a submission of a new cover letter, all medical documentation related to the settling injury(s)/body part(s) since the previous submission date, the most recent six months of pharmacy records, a consent to release information, and a summary of expected future care.

  • CMS has issued a conditional approval/approved amount at least 12 months prior.
  • The case has not yet been settled as of the date of the request for re-review.
  • Projected care has changed so much that the submitter’s new proposed amount would result in a 10% or $10,000 change (whichever is greater) in CMS’ previously approved amount.

A claim that meets these criteria qualifies for an Amended Review.

Other Notable Updates

The CMS Regional Offices no longer approve the MSA before its release to the submitter.  For a brief history, when CMS introduced the MSA review process in 2001 the regional offices reviewed the MSA submissions.  CMS replaced their review responsibility in 2005 by introducing a centralized review contractor, the Workers Compensation Review Contractor (WCRC).  Since then, the regional offices approved the MSA recommendation made by the WCRC.

While no longer putting their stamp of approval on the MSA, the regional offices are still responsible for the receipt and review of final settlement documents to confirm the proper funding of the MSA.

Also, as part of the update, CMS clarified pricing methodology around intrathecal pumps, spinal cord stimulators, and peripheral nerve stimulator replacement frequency.

Practical Implications

The big news is the availability of Amended Review MSAs for any prior approval which otherwise meets the above-defined criteria.  We recommend that payers review their files to identify open medical claims which may now be eligible for an Amended Review. Tower stands ready to assist you with such a review and identify claims that can now be settled.  Please contact us for further consultation.

Does Your MSA Program Measure Up?

April 11, 2023

person pointing out metrics on a posterboard to measure Medicare Set Aside

Workers’ comp payers regularly measure the performance of different aspects of their programs. Understanding injury frequency rates, the average cost per claim, timeliness of claims processing, lost-time and return-to-work rates help them identify cost drivers and improve processes. Payers also evaluate the performance of external partners — provider networks, bill review, pharmacy benefit managers, third party administrators, physical therapy networks, home health and case management vendors, etc.

But do they evaluate their Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) programs and vendors – not so much.

Why not? Well, some employers, TPAs, and insurers have their Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) services integrated into a multi-service contract. As a result, they may assume that MSAs are just part of the process – they are all the same – they take the time they take – and they cost what they cost.

Without metrics to benchmark your performance against some sort of standard, how would you know?

In the case of MSAs, until recently, payers did not have benchmarks to determine what to measure.

In 2022, for the first time, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published some metrics that can give payers a benchmark for comparison. While CMS’ data points are limited, they offer a great place to start.

Average MSA Amount

Providing statistics from fiscal years 2020 through 2022, CMS found the average MSA recommended amount was $84,563.33 in 2020, $80,740.94 in 2021, and $81,571.75 in 2022. (“Recommended” in CMS language means CMS believes the dollar amount of the allocation will be sufficient for the lifetime medical cost of the injury. It’s equivalent to a CMS-approved amount.)

Having captured, benchmarked and analyzed our MSA submitted amounts for more than six years, Tower was excited to see how our outcomes compared to CMS’s published numbers.

One example is the average amount of an MSA. CMS’s average in 2022 was $81,571.75, while the average of Tower’s CMS-approved MSAs was $54,715. That’s nearly $27,000 less than CMS’ number, a whopping 33% less than the CMS’s average amount.

And this didn’t just happen in 2022. The average amounts of Tower’s MSAs were 32% lower in 2021 and 30% lower in 2020.

This is a credit to our powerful and persistent clinical interventions.

Approved Rx Drug Cost

CMS also broke out the cost of prescription drugs on its recommended/approved MSAs. The agency’s average prescription drug cost for 2022 was $20,776, compared to Tower’s $11,405.

Tower’s averages in this category have steadily declined since 2020 when Tower’s average Rx drug cost was $17,941, then $14,079 in 2021. If it seems like we’re boasting a little, we are. Our CEO’s strong background in pharmacy management has paid off over the years.

We have concentrated on pharmacy costs since Tower was founded in 2011. We always examine claims for unnecessary cost drivers like duplicate scripts, discontinued prescriptions, and opportunities to change from brand to generics. And Tower led the charge in identifying inappropriate opioid use on MSAs along with all the prescriptions needed to handle side-effects.  Notably, in 2022, only 15% of Tower’s CMS-approved MSAs included opioids.

We don’t stop at identification, either. Our clinicians work with physicians, gain their agreement to taper injured workers off opioids and follow up to ensure changes happen.


Tower also doesn’t let CMS get away with errors and misinterpretation of medical records with the MSA submission.  We know our MSAs and we know the rules so that we can confidently challenge CMS when we believe it’s wrong.

While there is no formal appeals process when an MSA comes back higher than proposed, we can submit a re-review request to reduce the MSA.  In 2022 Tower had a 63% success rate at obtaining a partial or full reduction from the CMS MSA counter-higher using the re-review process.

Conditional Payment Disputes and Appeals

When it comes to Medicare conditional payments, in many, many cases, the reimbursement demand is inaccurate. If the client approves, we’ll chase every dollar of savings.  We’re aggressive because we have the records, fee schedules, technology, and CMS response data to fight for our clients. In 2022, our conditional payment disputes and appeals yielded an overall 92% reduction. In 70% of these cases, the demand was reduced to $0.

While CMS did not publish metrics on conditional payments, Tower believes it’s an important point to measure.  There are numerous other areas that we measure and our Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders is happy to discuss these and work with you on developing metrics for your own program.  Contact him at


Risk & Insurance: Am I Allocating Enough for a Medicare Set-Aside? Take These Pointers from a Pro to Find Out

January 26, 2023

Man in business suit looking confused about Conditional Payments

Tower’s MSP Compliance blog analyzes the nuances of Medicare Set-Asides (MSAs) and other aspects of Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance. It covers topics like re-reviews and the termination of ongoing responsibility for medicals (ORM), along with tweaks to WCMSA Reference Guide. Most of our posts drill down into the fine details that our readers need to know.

Every now and then, though, it’s good to pull back and take a high-level view of MSAs as our Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders does in this Risk and Insurance article. Keep it handy in case you need to explain MSAs to an injured employee … or a colleague.