CMS Alerts Remind RREs to Accurately Report Section 111 Data

November 22, 2021

Clipboard noting New Section 111 Reporting with Red exclamation sign

Over the past month the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued two alerts reminding Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) to make sure data reported through the Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting process is accurate and updated. This appears to be part of an ongoing effort by CMS to avoid unnecessary Medicare conditional payment recovery efforts.

In the first alert, entitled “Reporting of Incorrect No-Fault Policy Limits” CMS states:

Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) are accountable for ensuring the information included in their Section 111 MMSEA Mandatory Insurer Reporting submissions is accurate. There may be situations where, depending upon state law or the terms of a given policy, the policy limit may vary. In these situations, the reported Policy Limit should reflect the actual amount the RRE has accepted responsibility for at the time the record is submitted or updated. Just as important, if the Section 111 record needs to be corrected to reflect a different Policy Limit, the RRE should update the record as quickly as possible to reflect the new policy limit. For example, if a policy allows for a minimum amount of MedPay coverage and will only allow a higher amount under certain circumstances, and those circumstances are not yet met at the time of reporting, the RRE should report the lower amount. Should the criteria that triggers the higher policy limit be met after that report, the RRE should update the record as soon as possible. Reporting of an incorrect Policy Limit or failing to timely update the record can put the RRE at risk of non-compliance with the Section 111 reporting requirements.

 Inaccurate and/or uncorrected information can impact current Medicare claims payment actions. Inaccurate and/or uncorrected information also places the RRE at risk of recovery actions and increases the burden of proof upon the RRE should it attempt to dispute recovery efforts. Therefore, we advise the RRE to consider contacting their EDI Representative to submit an off-cycle Section 111 report with new policy limit information, rather than wait for their next Section 111 reporting cycle.

Practical Implications

By recommending an “off-cycle” reporting of the new policy limit, CMS is trying to avoid paying medical expenses when a primary payer, in this case, the no-fault carrier, is available to pay. (CMS has a similar recommendation in the Section 111 User Guide for an immediate report of ORM termination to the EDI representative.) If the no-fault plan can pay medical costs directly to the provider, it streamlines the system and eliminates the conditional payment recovery process.

This portion of the alert’s language raises some concern, though: “failing to timely update the record can put the RRE at risk of non-compliance with the Section 111 reporting requirements.”  While CMS has yet to issue final regulations regarding civil monetary penalties for non-compliance with Section 111 reporting requirements, in its proposal, timeliness and accuracy of reporting are factors in determining whether penalties will be imposed.

CMS could clarify this alert by stating that “failing to update the record by the quarterly reporting period following the policy change puts the RRE at risk of non-compliance.” Making failure to report “off-cycle” a basis for penalties adds confusion to a system based on quarterly reporting.  Tower will seek clarification from CMS on this point.

The second alert from CMS, “Use the Funding Delayed Beyond TPOC Start Date Field,” states:

This is a reminder that if funding is delayed after the settlement date reported in Field 80: TPOC Date, in the Claim Input File Detail Record, RREs should provide the actual or estimated date of the funding determination in Field 82: Funding Delayed Beyond TPOC Start Date.

Some RREs are failing to indicate a Funding Delayed Beyond TPOC Start Date when funds have not yet been released. This has resulted in CMS recovery demands being sent based upon the receipt of a TPOC date and TPOC amount before the funds for the settlement have been received by the beneficiary.

 As soon as CMS receives a report of a TPOC Date and corresponding TPOC Amount, CMS begins its recovery process to collect Medicare claims conditionally paid that are covered by the TPOC. The Funding Delayed Beyond TPOC Start Date is used to delay the recovery process so as not to negatively impact the beneficiary prior to receipt of the settlement proceeds.

In addition, the Funding Delayed Beyond TPOC Start Date is used to ensure an RRE is not found noncompliant with the Section 111 timeliness reporting requirements when a settlement has been made, but the final payment amount has not yet been determined or dispersed.

Practical Implications

What is not explained here is that Field 82, per the Section 111 User Guide, is to be used in specific circumstances where the amount the claimant Medicare beneficiary is to be paid is not known at the time the settlement occurs.  This happens most often in mass tort settlements.  Here is an example from the user guide:

  • There is a settlement involving an allegedly defective drug.
  • The settlement contains or provides a process for subsequently determining who will be paid and how much. Consequently, there will be payment to or on behalf of a particular individual and/or the amount of the settlement, judgment, award, or other payment to or on behalf of that individual is not known as of the TPOC Date.
  • Timeliness of MMSEA Section 111 reporting for a particular Medicare beneficiary will be based upon the date there is a determination both that payment will be made to or on behalf of that beneficiary and a determination of the amount of the settlement, judgment, award, or other payment to or on behalf of that beneficiary.
  • RREs shall submit the date of the settlement in the TPOC Date field and the date when there is a determination both that payment will be made to or on behalf of that beneficiary and a determination of the amount of the settlement, judgment, award, or other payment to or on behalf of that beneficiary in the corresponding Funding Delayed Beyond TPOC Start Date Field.

While it’s important to remind people to use Field 82 when applicable, the alert causes confusion when it refers to the date settlement funds are “dispersed.”  CMS seems to assume that the date inserted into Field 82 is not only the date that the settlement amount is determined but is the same date the funds are dispersed. However, these dates may be weeks or months apart.

We will seek clarification from CMS but based on CMS’s representation that this is the date it uses to initiate conditional payment recovery against the Medicare beneficiary claimant, we recommend placing the date settlement funds are dispersed in Field 82.

Recognizing that both alerts are somewhat technical, and questions are understandable, feel free to contact me at or 888.331.4941.

The PAID Act: Implementation and Implications for Claims Handling

October 15, 2021

Chalk board depicting what the PAID Act covers

Thanks to the Provide Accurate Information Directly (PAID) Act effective December 11, 2021, payers will have access to Medicare beneficiary enrollment status in Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage [MA]) plans or Part D (prescription drug) plans. Enrollment information will be provided through the Section 111 query response file for the past three years.

Historically, workers’ compensation, liability, and no-fault insurance plans have had a difficult time trying to determine a Medicare beneficiary’s enrollment status in such plans as the current query response file only provides a yes or now as to whether the individual is enrolled in Medicare.  However, as close to 40% of Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in a Part C plan and over 70% are enrolled in a Part D plan, the potential for these plans to seek reimbursement from both payer and/or claimant is significant.

Currently, payers must ask the claimant to voluntarily provide Part C and D plan information which sometimes is never provided or is provided, but incomplete or inaccurate.  Notably, Medicare beneficiaries can change plans every year, meaning in some cases many plans may have reimbursement rights over the course of a claim.

Of course, Medicare already shares Section 111 reporting data with the Part C and D plans, thus giving them the ability to seek reimbursement against a payer who may have no idea the claimant is enrolled in such a plan until they receive a demand for payment.

Great, But Now What? 

Tower’s September 15 “How-to Guide for PAID Act Implementation” webinar explained how the PAID Act affects payers, the differences in recovery processes, and the new reports Tower is creating to make life easier for its clients. If you missed the webinar, contact me at to request the link because there’s a lot of information.

The Section 111 query response data received from the Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center (BCRC) is changing in a big way.  There are 244 new data fields. Parts A, B, C, and D will have the most recent effective dates and termination dates. Part C and D will have most recent and previous plan(s) data, up to three years of data. This will include not only the plan name, but also contract number, enrollment date, termination date, benefit package number and plan address.

Payers can receive and store this data themselves or, for Tower reporting clients, we will store it for our clients who can then obtain the data via Tower’s Section 111 portal.  In other words, it is the payer’s choice whether to receive this information.

Tower will also create PAID Act-specific reports around the new data, accessible through our S111 Management dashboard. These will be:

  • Most Recent Medicare Effective and Termination Parts A, B, C, and D
  • All Part C data
  • All Part D data

Now, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will only provide the past three years of data, but Tower will store data beyond three years for use by our clients on claims which remain outstanding past that timeframe.

Handling Recovery

Based on the MSP statute and regulations and court decisions the Part C and D plans have a right of recovery against the primary plan and all those who receive payment from that primary plan, such as the claimant and the claimant’s attorney.  In some cases, a claim for reimbursement will be issued by the Part C or D plan without initiating an inquiry. Payers should use the contact information from the Section 111 data to initiate a query with the plan(s) to determine whether they have a reimbursement claim.

There are several differences among CMS recovery through Part A and B (Original Medicare) and Parts C and D recovery.

  • Part C and D plans cannot access the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP)
  • Debt collection is not split into two recovery contractors (Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) and BCRC), however, these plans might contract out their recovery efforts.
  • The C and D plans also cannot refer debts to the U.S. Treasury Department; they must file suit instead.
  • In our experience, Part D and C plans have significantly less unrelated charges on their claims for reimbursement compared to CRC and BCRC.
  • Appeal rights are only held by the claimant unlike with Original Medicare conditional payment demands where an appeal right is also held by the payer.

Considering the above, on balance, while identifying the plan and obtaining the reimbursement claim may be a bit more difficult, Part C and D claims for reimbursement tend to be easier to resolve compared to demands from CMS’s recovery contractors.

Guidance for Addressing Part C and D Reimbursement

The following is recommended to properly resolve Part C and D reimbursement claims at time of settlement:

  • Identify if the claimant is a Medicare beneficiary and enrolled in a Part C or D Plan
  • Identify If the claimant was ever enrolled in traditional Medicare; if so investigate conditional payments with CRC and BCRC
  • Investigate with Part C or D plan whether it is seeking reimbursement and obtain a letter itemizing reimbursement claims.
  • Negotiate with Part C or D plan to remove charges unrelated to work injury or where there is a reasonable basis to dispute. These plans largely use the same dispute and appeal criteria as CRC/BCRC
  • Contact plan at time of settlement to confirm final amount owed
  • Resolve case with clear understanding of how plan will be reimbursed

Keep in mind that the PAID Act in no way changes Part C and D reimbursement rights nor puts any additional obligations on these plans that did not already exist prior to its passage.  Nonetheless, access to plan information by payers will undoubtedly lead to a greater emphasis on contact with the plan prior to settlement.  Payers should make use of this data to query the plan and identify and resolve reimbursement claims at the time of settlement.

Whether you’re ready to implement the PAID Act or not, Tower is.  In fact, we’re in front of it, building out our systems, creating reports to add to our year-old S111 Management Dashboard. We’ve been watching pending legislation and posting on it all along, thinking about how it could affect you and planning for the future.

As always, if you have questions about the PAID Act or anything else MSP or MSA related, please contact me at or 847-946-2880.

There’s no better time to let Tower manage your Section 111 reporting. Contact Hany Abdelsayed for the details.   Hany Abdelsayed,, (916) 878-8062.

PAID Act Implementation How-to Guide Webinar, Sept. 15

August 18, 2021

Details of PAID Act Webinar with photo of Dan Anders & Jesse Shade

Join Tower’s Webinar for PAID Act implementation “How to Guide”  on September 15th.

Because of the PAID Act, self-insured employers, insurers and other non-group health plans will finally have access to Medicare Part C Advantage Plan and Part D prescription drug plan information for Medicare beneficiary claimants, starting December 11, 2021. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will provide the data through the Section 111 reporting query process.

While the implementation of these PAID Act requirements is a technical one, it gives rise to many policy questions as to what payers are required to do once they have this data.

Join Dan Anders, Chief Compliance Officer and Jesse Shade, Chief Technology Officer on Wednesday, September 15 at 2:00 PM ET, for a webinar which will tackle both the technical and policy implications around the PAID Act.  Topics include:

  • The Part C and Part D plan identification problem the PAID Act is designed to resolve.
  • Technical changes needed to receive this new CMS data come December.
  • Best practices for handling Part C and D plan data to resolve reimbursement claims from these plans.

Dan and Jesse will describe the steps Tower has taken to ensure our Section 111 reporting clients have a seamless transition to receive the PAID Act data and how Tower can work with you to identify and resolve Part C and D plan reimbursement claims.

A Q&A session will follow the presentation.  Please click the link below and register today!


Related Prior Posts:

PAID Act Becomes Law

CMS to Host Webinar on PAID Act Implementation and Upcoming Testing

August 12, 2021

Red Medicare button on a keyboard to illustrate Medicare conditional payment.

On Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 1 p.m. ET the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting a second webinar on the implementation of the Provide Accurate Information Directly (PAID) Act.  Per the notice:

CMS will be hosting a second webinar regarding the impacts to Section 111 Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) related to the PAID Act, which was signed into law on December 11, 2020. The intention of the PAID Act is to help NGHP RREs better coordinate benefits by providing beneficiary Part C and Part D enrollment information via updates to the Section 111 Query Response File. These changes will go into effect on December 11, 2021. This webinar will offer important PAID Act reminders and focus on the details of the upcoming testing period, which will begin on September 13, 2021. The webinar presentation will be followed by a live question and answer session with staff from CMS and the Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center.

Check out slides from the first CMS Provide Accurate Information Directly Act webinar.

If you are a Tower Section 111 reporting client, we recently provided a draft query response file layout.  This layout incorporates the additional fields required to receive Part C and Part D enrollment information and Part A and Part B effective and termination (if applicable) dates.  Tower will initiate testing with the BCRC in September and make changes, if any, to the final file layout before the December 2021 implementation.  Additionally, Tower’s next quarterly webinar (date and time to be announced soon), will address PAID Act implementation and best practices for resolving reimbursement claims from Part C Medicare Advantage and Part D Prescription Drug Plans.

We encourage anyone involved in the Section 111 reporting process to attend the CMS webinar.

If you have any questions, please contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at or 888.331.4941.

Related Prior Posts:

CMS: PAID Act Implementation Guidance & New ORM Termination Option

PAID Act Becomes Law


CMS to Host PAID Act Webinar

May 25, 2021

Red Medicare button on a keyboard to illustrate Medicare conditional payment.

On Wednesday, June 23 at 1 p.m. ET the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting a webinar on the implementation of the Provide Accurate Information Directly (PAID) Act.  Per the notice:

CMS will be hosting a webinar to discuss upcoming impacts to Section 111 Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) related to the PAID Act, which was signed into law on December 11, 2020. The intention of the PAID Act is to help NGHP Responsible Reporting Entities better coordinate benefits by providing additional beneficiary Part C and Part D enrollment information. This webinar will cover what the PAID Act is, details of the NGHP Section 111 Query Response File changes, information on the scheduled testing period and implementation timeframes. The webinar will also be followed by a live question and answer session with staff from CMS and the Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center.

Further background on the PAID Act can be found in Tower’s article: PAID Act Becomes Law

We encourage anyone involved in the Section 111 reporting process to attend the webinar.  Tower will provide a post-webinar summary.

If you have any questions, please contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at or 888.331.4941.

Dan Anders in WorkCompWire: Avoiding Section 111 Reporting Penalties

May 11, 2021

bullhorn illustration alerting you to avoid reporting penalties

With a name like “Mandatory Insurer Reporting” and potential reporting penalties of up to $1,000 per day per injured worker, one would think payers would take Section 111 reporting penalties pretty seriously. But since these penalties have never been enforced, avoidance of penalties has not been a top concern.

It looks like Section 111 penalties could be coming soon, though. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) positioned itself to implement them by proposing specific regulations last year. The agency solicited comments from stakeholders last April and could publish final regulations at any time.

Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, wrote an article in this week’s WorkCompWire Leaders Speak series, Plan Now to Avoid Pending Medicare Reporting Penalties, that recaps the history of Section 111 reporting and outlines reporting errors and CMS’s proposed penalties. And, unlike many articles that just tell you what CMS says, Dan’s piece recommends ways readers can steer clear of potential errors and problems.

Speaking of steering clear, if you’re not already using Tower’s S111 Management Dashboard, ask Hany Abdelsayed to take you for a test drive. Contact Hany at or 916-878-8062.

For more details on Section 111 reporting and Civil Money Penalties, check out Dan’s prior posts:

You can always contact Dan with any questions or concerns about this or any other compliance or MSA issues. He can be reached at

CMS Updates Section 111 Model Language Form

April 26, 2021

Man signing a document to illustrate CMS updates to Section 111 Model Language Form

Recently, the Section 111 Model Language form was updated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), The form is used by Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) to collect the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) and/or a Social Security Number (SSN) from claimants.  The SSN or MBI, along with the claimant’s First and Last Name, Gender, and Date of Birth, are needed by the RRE to query CMS to determine whether the claimant is a Medicare beneficiary for Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting purposes.

The most notable change to the form is that the Section I language was revised from “Are you presently, or have you ever been, enrolled in Medicare Part A or Part B?” to “Are you presently, or have you ever been, enrolled in Medicare?” We assume this language was modified because the claimant’s enrollment in Parts A, B, or C (which isn’t even mentioned) is irrelevant for purposes of Section 111 reporting. The simpler language, just asking for Medicare enrollment status, should avoid confusion that may have arisen from the prior language.

Practical Implications of the Section 111 Model Language form

As we wait for CMS to issue final rules around mandatory insurer reporting penalties, it is important for RREs and those administering claims for RREs to collect this identifying information or document their efforts to collect it by using this model language.  As we discussed in CMS Issues Proposed Rule for Mandatory Insurer Reporting Penalties, RREs will have a safe harbor from reporting penalties if they document good faith efforts to attempt to obtain an MBI or SSN from the claimant, and this model form will help document those efforts.

Please contact Dan Anders at or (888) 331-4941 with comments or questions.

Related Posts

Section 111 Reporting

Dan Anders in WorkCompWire: Avoiding Section 111 Reporting Penalties


CMS Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting Webinar Recap

April 7, 2021

man on keyboard for Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting

Leaders from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Division of MSP Program Operations, Commercial Repayment Center (CRC), and Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC) held an April 1 webinar on the intersection of the BCRC and CRC in Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting and the resolution of Medicare conditional payments.

While mostly a Q&A format, the webinar unveiled a new CMS/BCRC policy for reporting partial settlement of medical when Ongoing Responsibility for Medical (ORM) ends for certain diagnoses and continues for others. Set to rollout in June, the new reporting policy provides for three scenarios:

  • Partial settlement of medical prior to initial reporting

Scenario:  Claimant is identified as a Medicare beneficiary which triggers the requirement to report ORM and/or Total Payment Obligation to the Claimant (TPOC) through the Section 111 reporting process.  Both ORM and TPOC are for the same insurance type, policy, and claim number.  The only difference is the accepted and denied diagnoses on the claim.  The parties agree to a partial settlement for the denied diagnoses and leave the accepted diagnoses open on the claim.

Problem:  How to report a partial settlement of the denied diagnoses and still report ORM for the accepted diagnoses.

 CMS Solution:  CMS’s solution is to submit two add records. Specifically, one record will be added for ORM that will describe all of the diagnoses that have been accepted for ORM.  ORM will be ‘Y’ with no TPOC date or amounts.  A second record will be added for TPOC which will describe all of the denied diagnoses that are being settled.  ORM will be ‘N’ with a TPOC date and amount.

  • Partial settlement of medical post initial reporting

Scenario:  A claim with multiple diagnoses was reported for ORM through the Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting process.  The parties agree to a settlement for certain diagnoses while keeping ORM open for other diagnoses.

Problem:  How to report a partial settlement for certain diagnoses while keeping ORM open for the non-settled diagnoses.

CMS Solution:  CMS’s solution is to submit one update record and one add record.  The update record will remove the diagnoses that are subject to the partial settlement and keep the diagnoses codes where ORM continues.  Then, an add record with the TPOC date, amount and diagnoses codes that are subject to the partial settlement will be submitted.  ORM will remain “N” in the add record.

  • Partial ORM closure with no settlement

Scenario:  Acceptance of ORM is initially reported though the Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting process with multiple diagnoses.  Subsequent to this initial report, there is a basis to terminate one or more of the initially accepted diagnoses, but not all of the diagnoses.  This is not a situation where a partial settlement has occurred, rather there is a basis to terminate one or more diagnoses absent a settlement.  For example, a claimant’s cardiac condition was exacerbated as a result of a fall and the medical providers confirm resolution of the exacerbation. While the carrier continues to accept the orthopedic condition, the ORM can end for the cardiac diagnosis.

Problem:  How to end ORM for one or more diagnoses while keeping it open for other diagnoses.

CMS Solution:  CMS’s solution is to send an update record that removes the diagnosis or diagnoses where ORM has ended. In this situation a TPOC date is not submitted, rather this is only submitted when ORM is completely terminated for all diagnoses.

The purpose behind these new policies is to improve coordination of benefits such that a Medicare beneficiary’s medical care is not denied when unrelated to a claim and prevent the recovery contractors from attempting to seek reimbursement for Medicare payments unrelated to a claim.

While we thank CMS and the BCRC for identifying solutions to the above reporting problems, we believe RREs may face some technical challenges in the ability to, for example, report two add records on the same claim.  We await issuance of the formal policy from CMS and will review how this policy change can best be incorporated into the Section 111 reporting process.

In addition to announcing the new reporting policy, CMS and the contractors provided the following advice:

Respond to correct contractor – Carefully review the correspondence and make sure to respond to the contractor that sent the letter, whether it’s to obtain further information, dispute/appeal charges, or to make payment.

As a reminder, CMS noted, the BCRC is generally recovering conditional payments when the identified debtor is the Medicare beneficiary while the CRC is recovering conditional payments when the insurer/WC carrier is the identified debtor.

CMS provided the following guidance regarding key timeframes:

  • Interest accrues from the date of the demand letter and is assessed on debt if not resolved within 60 days.
    • When CMS issues a demand letter directly to the applicable plan, the applicable plan has formal administrative appeal rights.
    • The applicable plan has 120 days from the date the applicable plan receives the demand letter to file a redetermination (first level of appeal). Interest will still accrue during this time.
    • If the appeal is not filed within 120 days, and “good cause” for untimely filing is not provided, the appeal will be dismissed.
    • Failure to resolve the debt will result in referral to treasury at 180 days.

Note:  When you are appealing to the ALJ please be sure to cc the CRC so that they can appropriately place a hold on a case so that it is not referred to treasury while the appeal is in process.

During the Q&A portion of the webinar CMS and its contractors addressed varied questions; some are summarized below:

  • What can be done if we cannot obtain a Social Security number from the claimant? CMS advised them to document their efforts at obtaining the SSN.  It was noted CMS has model language found on the CMS website which can be used to document claimant’s refusal to provide SSN.
  • In response to a question concerning the many charges found on conditional payment notices and demands that are unrelated to the injury, CMS/CRC acknowledged that it is not a perfect process. The CRC explained that when conditional payment information is requested what is sent to the requestor may have only been produced through an automated search of charges related to the injury.  CRC did advise that when it comes to actual issuance of a demand that there is a human validating process.
  • In response to a question concerning why in response to a dispute of a Conditional Payment Notice, one might receive another CPN with new charges, the CRC explained that this is the result of the system constantly reviewing for additional charges deemed related to the injury.
  • There were several questions regarding problems with the CRC recognizing out-of-pocket reimbursements to claimants in a no-fault/med-pay claim as counting towards the exhaustion of the no-fault maximum amount. CRC’s response was to advise entities to provide plan documents and proof of payment to the claimant along with a reason for the payment.  Its leader said, “We are aware that no-fault payors have run into problems with CRC rejecting out-of-pocket expenses as included within the no-fault exhaustion amount.”

If you have any questions, please contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at or 888.331.4941.

Related prior posts:


Tower MSA Partners Ready to Steer Clients Through Pending Section 111 Civil Money Penalties

April 1, 2021

View from Dashboard over highway to illustrate Section 111 Civil Money Post

Last year the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed regulations on Section 111 civil money penalties (CMPs). See Tower MSA Partners’ detailed prior post, CMS issues Proposed Rule for Mandatory Insurer Reporting Penalties related to inaccurate or untimely Section 111 Medicare Mandatory Insurer Reporting. Some of these are shocking – up to $1,000 per day per claimant in some cases.  Tower and others in the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) industry collaborated on comments to CMS’s proposal.

Then, Tower went well beyond simply responding to CMS.  We took proactive measures to prepare our clients for the eventual penalties. We educated clients with a webinar focused specifically on the subject matter, and we have communicated frequently.

Tower’s proprietary tech tools help prevent Section 111 Civil Money Penalties

In addition to education and communication, with Tower’s focus on technology to measure, manage and drive results, we built a dashboard to steer our clients through MSP compliance so they can avoid CMPs when they go into effect.  See our news release for details: Tower MSA Partners Releases Medicare Mandatory Reporting Dashboard.

Our S111 Management Dashboard gives you the 24/7 data and reporting oversight for every aspect /of the reporting process.  Workers’ compensation and liability payers usually have limited visibility into claims history through their Section 111 providers’ reporting systems.  They may receive compliance error reports but aren’t able to quickly verify compliance accuracy.  Few systems remind responsible reporting entities to update the ongoing responsibility for medicals (ORM) termination dates when claims are settled.

The dashboard gives clients full visibility into their claims from a global level all the way down into the details of a specific claim.  You can manage the accuracy of data, such as ICD 10 codes or ORM to avoid unnecessary conditional payment or MSA exposure in addition to avoiding CMPs.

“The dashboard is intuitive and simple to use,” said Todd Venneri, Business Intelligence Project Manager for BETA Healthcare Group, who tested its features. “The ability to quickly access and verify claim information is invaluable.”

While our intuitive S111 Management Dashboard was being developed, we also updated our client portal and MSP Automation Suite. Keep in mind, Tower’s system was built specifically by us for this industry.  It seamlessly manages Section 111 reporting, conditional payments, Medicare Set-Aside triage, clinical and legal interventions, MSA preparation, and CMS submission activities that take clients through settlement and closure.

We don’t know when CMPs will be announced or how Section 111 civil money penalties will be assessed.  What we do know, however, is that our clear, concise dashboard has replaced uncertainty with knowledge and information.

We are ready and we want you to be ready, too.  If you have not used the dashboard yet, take it for a spin.  Get in touch with Hany Abdelsayed at or 916-878-8062 for a demo.

CMS Releases Technical Updates to Section 111 User Guide

January 26, 2021

CMS User Guides for Section 111 Reporting. open book with colored page markers

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has begun the new year with some updates to its MMSEA Section 111 NGHP User Guide.  This guide provides everything and anything you ever wanted to know about mandatory insurer reporting by non-group health plans.  Version 6.2 provides the following updates:
$750 Reporting Threshold
In follow-up to its November 2020 announcement that it will be maintaining the $750 TPOC threshold for reporting and Medicare conditional payment recovery, CMS states:
As of January 1, 2021, the threshold for physical trauma-based liability insurance settlements will remain at $750. CMS will maintain the $750 threshold for no-fault insurance and workers’ compensation settlements, where the no-fault insurer or workers’ compensation entity does not otherwise have ongoing responsibility for medicals (Sections 6.4.2, 6.4.3, and 6.4.4).
Key takeaway:  Maintaining the $750 threshold means there are no changes to the reporting processes, determinations of claims that should be reported, or when conditional payments should be investigated or resolved.
Reporting Future ORM Termination Date
Per CMS:
To address situations where Responsible Report Entities (RREs) can identify future ORM termination dates based on terms of the insurance contract, RREs can now enter a future Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals (ORM) Termination Date (Field 79) up to 75 years from the current date (Section 6.7.1)
Key takeaway:  A future ORM termination date can only be submitted if it is certain, e.g., the date is specified in an insurance contract or a statutory limitation provides for its exact determination. The prior policy only allowed the reporting of an ORM termination date that was six months into the future.  The expansion to 75 years should allow for most date certain ORM terminations to be reported.
Data Exchange Update
Per CMS:
As part of CMS’ commitment to the modernization of the Coordination of Benefits & Recovery (COB&R) operating environment, changes are being implemented to move certain electronic file transfer data exchanges to the CMS Enterprise File Transfer (EFT) protocol. As part of this change the exchange of data with the COB&R program via Connect:Direct to GHINY SNODE will be discontinued. The final cutover is targeted to occur in April 2021. File naming conventions and other references have been updated in this guide. Contact your EDI Representative for details (Sections 10.2 and 10.3).
Key takeaway:  Right now, CMS offers four methods of data transmission that Section 111 RREs or their reporting agents can use to submit and receive electronic files.  CMS is discontinuing the Connect:Direct method, and since Tower does not communicate with CMS via this method there will be no impact to our reporting processes.
Policy Number Now a Key Field
Per CMS:
To support previous system changes, Policy Number (Field 54) has been added as a key field. If this field changes, RREs must submit a delete Claim Input File record that matches the previously accepted add record, followed by a new add record with the changed information (i.e., delete/add process) (Sections 6.1.2, 6.6.1, 6.6.2, and 6.6.4).
Key takeaway:  Previously, if a claim input file was updated with a different policy number for the same claim it would create two records with the BCRC.  This could duplicate Medicare conditional payment recovery efforts.  CMS’s solution is to have the RRE delete the prior record with the old policy number and add a new record with the new policy number.
Retraction of Soft Code Error
Per CMS:
In Version 6.1, we announced that several input errors will become “soft” errors starting April 5, 2021. However, CP03 will not become a soft edit. The Office Code/Site ID (Field 53), which triggers CP03, is used to identify correspondence addresses, and if incorrect, could result in mail being sent to the wrong place. Therefore this error will continue to reject the record (Appendix F).
Key Takeaway:  An error in Office Code/Site ID (Field 53) will not be considered a soft edit and will result in file rejection. An earlier Tower article, November CMS Mandatory Reporting and Conditional Payment Updates, explained these so-called “soft” code errors.
If you have any questions on these updates to the Section 111 User Guide, please reach out to Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at or 888.331.4941.