Through our quarterly webinars and in-person trainings, Tower offers our partners recent and relevant information combined with best practices in Medicare Secondary Payer compliance. However, once a year, a unique opportunity is presented by the National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (NAMSAP) at its educational conference.
This annual conference, which is sponsored by Tower, brings together the best industry minds, including representatives from CMS and its contractors for presentations and discussions on the latest in Medicare compliance. It is designed for professionals who are involved in all aspects or any aspect of MSP compliance, such as, adjusters and managers and claimant and defense attorneys.
A wide spectrum of MSP and MSA topics will be presented, including reimagining the MSA Program, MSP policy activity, the current regulatory environment and recent case law. Notable conference panelists include John Albert, a Senior Technical Advisor from CMS’s Division of MSP Operations, Jim Brady, Program Director of the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC) and Rose Arellano, Director of Outreach Recovery for the Commercial Repayment Center (CRC)
The conference will be held at the recently reopened LIVE! Casino in Baltimore, Maryland, September 18-20. For early registration options and other information, go to
We encourage you to attend and expand your knowledge of MSP compliance. If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Dan Anders at or (888) 331-4941.