October CMS Updates: Section 111 Reporting User Guide and Civil Money Penalties Webinar Highlights

October 31, 2024

CMS Webinar Highlights | Section 111 Reporting User Guide & Civil Money Penalties

Section 111 Reporting User Guide and Civil Money Penalties Webinar Highlights

Stay up-to-date with the latest CMS developments!  This month, we’re covering the release of the NGHP Section 111 Reporting User Guide Version 7.7, the annual update to the ICD exclusion list, and key insights from the CMS Section 111 Civil Money Penalties webinar.

NGHP User Guide Version 7.7 Released

On October 7, 2024, CMS published Version 7.7 of the NGHP (Non-Group Health Plan) Section 111 Reporting User Guide.  Here are notable updates:

Reporting of Wrongful Death Claims

In Chapter III; Policy Guidance, Section, CMS provided the following clarification:

“Note: Settlements, judgments, awards, or other payments obtained entirely under the wrongful death theory of liability, which do not claim and release medicals, or have the effect of releasing medicals, are not required to be reported because Medicare would have no recovery claim against such a payment.”

This statement is consistent with CMS’s previous guidance that Total Payment Obligation to Claimant (TPOC) amounts are reported only when medicals are claimed and/or released, or the settlement has the effect of releasing medicals.

Compliance Flags are now Warning Flags

In Chapter IV: Technical Information, CMS has renamed “Compliance Flags” in Section 7.4 to “Warning Flags.” Additionally, a new “04” warning flag has been introduced. This flag applies to claim response files with open Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals (ORM) records when the later date of either the CMS Date of Incident or the Part A Add Date is more than 135 calendar days after the Start Date of the Responsible Reporting Entity’s (RRE’s) submission period.

Understanding Warning Flags and Penalties

It’s important to note that warning flags do not necessarily equate to a potential civil monetary penalty for late Section 111 reporting.  Here’s the key difference:

  • Warning Flags: Triggered if ORM or TPOC is reported more than 135 days after it should have been reported, as defined in the user guide.
  • Penalties: Potential penalties don’t come into play until 365 days have passed since the date the information should have been reported.

Why the different timeframes?  We assume it is to encourage RREs to report promptly, ensuring CMS has the necessary information to coordinate benefits properly.  Warning flags act as a reminder to the RRE that repeated reporting delays could lead to more significant issues, including potential penalties.

Updated ICD Code Excluded List

CMS published its annual update of valid and excluded liability and no-fault ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for Section 111 reporting purposes. The list can be found here.

CMS Webinar Highlights: Section 111 Civil Money Penalties

On October 17, 2024, CMS hosted a webinar on Section 111 Civil Money Penalties.  The webinar slides can be found here.  Key takeaways:

  • Civil Money Penalty Correspondence: Notices will be mailed to the RRE’s Authorized Representative and the Account Manager.  Reporting agents, such as Tower MSA Partners, will not receive a copy of the notice.  Therefore, it is important for the RRE to ensure address information is up-to-date.
  • Compliance Clock Started: The compliance clock began ticking on October 11, 2024.  Eligible MSP occurrences occurring on or after this date must be reported within 365 days.
  • Obtaining Beneficiary Information: When trying to gather beneficiary details, such as a Social Security Number, the RRE must reach out to both the beneficiary and, if applicable, their attorney. Contacting only the attorney isn’t sufficient. Additionally, you must make at least three attempts to obtain the information, with at least two attempts made via mail or email.

If you have any questions about these updates, please contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at daniel.anders@towermsa.com.

Significant Changes Coming to Florida Fee Schedule: What It Means for Your MSA Costs

October 24, 2024

Florida State Capital building

Florida’s 2025 Fee Schedule Changes Will Raise MSA Costs

Starting January 1, 2025, Florida is making some significant changes to its fee schedule, which will lead to higher MSA (Medicare Set-Aside) costs – sometimes significantly so. Here’s what you need to know.

Increased Physician Reimbursement Rates in Florida’s New Fee Schedule

In June 2024, the governor signed a new law that increases the maximum reimbursement rates for physicians and surgical procedures. For doctors, the rates will jump from 110% to 175% of the Medicare allowable reimbursement rate, while surgical procedures rates will rise from 140% to 210%. The Florida Association of Orthopaedic Executives said “that represents an unprecedented increase in physician reimbursement of 59% for non-surgical codes and 50% for surgical care.”  These rates haven’t changed in 20 years, and Florida is presently the lowest in the nation.

How Florida’s New Fee Schedule Affects MSA Pricing

What does this mean for MSAs? Since MSA pricing is based on the relevant workers’ compensation fee schedule, there is an opportunity to lock in lower costs for Florida MSAs if you get CMS approval before January 1, 2025.

What Should You Do?

  • Already Have an MSA Prepared? If Tower has already prepared a Florida MSA for you and the estimated settlement exceeds CMS MSA review thresholds, submit it as soon as possible to achieve cost-savings.
  • No MSA Yet, But Settlement Coming Soon? If you’re expecting a settlement in the coming months, now is the time to get an MSA prepared and submitted for approval.

Remember, once CMS approves an MSA, that approval does not expire.  So, even if settlement occurs after the fee changes, the approved MSA amount remains valid.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at daniel.anders@towermsa.com. And, if you’re ready to move forward with a Florida MSA submission or preparation, please contact us at referrals@towermsa.com.

CMS Sets October 17 for Webinar on Section 111 Reporting Penalties

October 9, 2024

CMS Webinar on Section 111 Reporting Penalties

Upcoming CMS Webinar on Section 111 Reporting Penalties

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has scheduled an important webinar on October 17, 2024, at 1:00 PM ET, specifically covering Section 111 reporting Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) and their implications for all relevant stakeholders involved in compliance and reporting.

Webinar Format and Focus From CMS

CMS will be hosting a comprehensive webinar regarding Certain Civil Money Penalties for NGHP Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs). This informative session aims to clarify the implications of these penalties and ensure that all RREs are well-informed. The format will include opening remarks from CMS officials, followed by a detailed presentation that will cover essential topics. Attendees can expect reminders about the Final Rule, insights into the auditing process, and critical dates that RREs need to remember. After the presentation, there will be a dedicated question-and-answer session, allowing participants to seek clarification and address specific concerns related to the Civil Money Penalties. This interactive component is designed to enhance understanding and foster engagement among all attendees.

RREs who would like to submit questions in advance of the webinar are encouraged to do so using the dedicated resource mailbox at Sec111CMP@cms.hhs.gov.

There is no pre-registration for the webinar.  Full details can be found here.

Previous Webinar Insights

The upcoming webinar focuses on Section 111 penalties, while a previous webinar covered Section 111 reporting best practices and upcoming changes. A copy of the slides and notes of the prior session are here.

CMS recently added a new page to its website, which provides NGHP Civil Money Penalties information, including a flow chart.  CMPs are applicable starting October 11, 2024, and audits begin in January 2026. We encourage a review of CMS’ website and articles Tower has published on the topic, including Section 111 Reporting for WCMSAs & Avoiding Civil Penalties.

Tower MSA Partners’ Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders Featured on Ametros Podcast “It’s Settled”

September 25, 2024

Tower MSA Partners’ Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders Featured On Ametros Podcast

Dan Anders, Chief Compliance Officer at Tower MSA Partners, was recently featured on Ametros’ podcast, “It’s Settled.

We are excited to share that Dan Anders, Chief Compliance Officer at Tower MSA Partners, was recently featured on Ametros’ podcast, “It’s Settled.” In this engaging episode, Dan sat down with Andrea Mills, Ametros’ Chief Client Officer, and John Kane, Senior Vice President of Strategy, to dive deep into the latest news and developments surrounding Medicare Set-Asides (MSAs). This discussion covered essential topics that impact the workers’ compensation and liability settlement space, including upcoming changes to Section 111 reporting, best practices for preparing MSAs, and the value of professional administration.

Upcoming Section 111 Reporting Changes

One of the key topics covered was the upcoming changes to Section 111 reporting and their implications for insurers and self-insured entities. Dan provided insightful commentary on what these changes mean and how they will affect the reporting process. With new compliance requirements on the horizon, now is the time for stakeholders to review their reporting strategies and ensure they are prepared for these regulatory shifts.

When to Prepare an MSA

Another critical topic discussed was when to prepare an MSA. Dan highlighted the importance of evaluating the need for an MSA early in the settlement process to avoid costly delays. He also provided insights into how Tower MSA Partners helps clients navigate complex cases by offering expert guidance on when and how to prepare MSAs effectively.

The Value of Professional Administration

The conversation also touched on the value of professional administration for MSAs, emphasizing how Ametros helps individuals manage their settlement funds to ensure compliance with Medicare’s requirements. Dan, Andrea, and John discussed how professional administration not only ensures the longevity of settlement funds but also helps alleviate the administrative burden on injured individuals.

Tips for Preparing an MSA

During the episode, Dan shared several tips and tricks for preparing an MSA, helping listeners understand the importance of accuracy and thoroughness when it comes to documentation. He also explained how Tower MSA Partners’ streamlined approach helps clients minimize risks and expedite settlements.

Upcoming Webinars and Conferences

As the discussion wrapped up, the group previewed upcoming educational opportunities, including a webinar, A Claims Professional’s Guide to Successful Settlements with MSAs, hosted by Tower MSA Partners on October 2nd. Dan encouraged attendees to sign up for this and other webinars to stay informed on compliance topics and best practices in the MSA industry.

Listen Now

You can catch this insightful episode of “It’s Settled” featuring Dan Anders by clicking here.

Stay tuned for more updates from Tower MSA Partners as we continue to provide our clients with the latest compliance and settlement strategies. Be sure to sign up for our upcoming October 2nd webinar to stay informed on these important issues.

CMS Moves Start Date for WCMSA Reporting to April 2025

April 23, 2024

CMS delays start date for section 111 reporting of WCMSAs

CMS delays start date for Section 111 reporting of WCMSAs to April 2025 and announces new webinar for Q&A

During last week’s webinar, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an extension of the start date for Section 111 reporting of WCMSAs from January 2025 to April 4, 2025.

(Due to technical difficulties with the April 16 webcast, CMS has scheduled another webinar for Q&A this Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 2:30 ET. Details on the webinar are here.

Remember, CMS requires Section 111 reporting of WCMSAs of any MSA amount, even if $0. These amounts must be reported whether they are CMS-approved MSAs or not.

CMS details new reporting guidelines and start date for Section 111 WCMSA Implementation

CMS reiterated several points that had been detailed in a prior webinar and through the recent Section 111 User Guide update.  Please review CMS Updates Section 111 NGHP User Guide and WCMSA Reference Guide for this information. New points are below:

  • The start date for WCMSA reporting was changed from January 2025 to April 4, 2025, to give Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) more time to make the needed changes to their reporting processes.
  • Testing of the new fields will be available beginning on October 7, 2024.
  • All WCMSA fields except Field 43 (Professional Administration EIN) will result in “hard” errors if reported incorrectly. Hard errors cause the TPOC report to be rejected, which can in turn cause the report to be untimely if it is not corrected promptly.
  • As such, hard errors may result in the imposition of civil money penalties (CMPs) although CMS will not impose a CMP for two reporting periods after implementation of WCMSA reporting. In other words, only records on or after October 15, 2025, and with a reportable MSA are subject to a CMP.
  • If an RRE fails to report an MSA, CMS may utilize all available statutory and regulatory options to recover mistakenly made payments, including under the False Claims Act.
  • No changes are made as to what constitutes a reportable TPOC. If a TPOC is reportable, then the WCMSA fields must be completed. If it is not reportable, such as when the WC settlement is $750 or less, then the WCMSA fields are not completed.
  • If multiple defendants are parties to a single settlement, they must report the total TPOC amount (and not their “share”) and the total MSA amount.
  • The Section 111 reporting process is not intended to replace the submission of settlement documents to CMS following the settlement of a claim with a CMS-approved MSA. (Final settlement documents should always be sent to Tower for upload to CMS.)
  • Receipt of the MSA report through the Section 111 reporting process will allow CMS to send information to the beneficiary on the attestation and exhaustion process. (Currently this is not done for most self-administered non-submit MSAs).

CMS outlines impact of “W” records in common working file (CWF) for MSA reporting

CMS also explained that once the MSA is reported, a “W” record will be posted in the Common Working File (CWF), which prevents payments of medical services related to the reported diagnosis codes. The CWF is part of CMS’s system to accurately coordinate benefits, so Medicare does not make payment when another “primary payer” is available.

A copy of the webinar slides can be found here.

Please contact Dan Anders at daniel.anders@towermsa.com with any questions.

CMS Sets April 16 for Webinar on Section 111 Reporting of WCMSAs

March 27, 2024

Webinar on Section 111 Reporting of WCMSAs

Prepare for Change: CMS Webinar on Expanding Section 111 NGHP TPOC Reporting to Include WCMSA Information

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has scheduled a webinar for April 16, 2024, at 2 PM ET to provide updates on the implementation of Section 111 reporting of Workers Compensation Medicare Set-Asides (WCMSAs).  Per the March 25, 2024 announcement:

CMS will be hosting a second webinar regarding the expansion of Section 111 Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) Total Payment Obligation to Claimant (TPOC) reporting to include Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) information. After the first webinar in November, CMS received additional questions and feedback from the industry. The intent of this webinar is to ensure that RREs will be prepared for the change once implemented. With that in mind, this webinar will include a background recap, summary of technical details, updated timelines and CMP impacts. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. Because this expansion impacts reporting of WCMSAs, it is strongly recommended that Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) that report Workers’ Compensation settlements attend.

There is no pre-registration for the webinar.  Full details can be found here.

As of April 4, 2025, TPOC reporting must include Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangements (WCMSAs). (See CMS Sets Date for Start of Section 111 WCMSA Reporting).

The WCMSA reporting requirement applies to both CMS-approved and non-approved MSAs.  This information must be reported if the insurance type is workers’ compensation and the TPOC amount is greater than $0. The rule will be prospective only, meaning it applies to TPOC dates of April 4, 2025 and later.

To collect this data, CMS is adding new fields to the Section 111 Claim Input File.

Tower will provide a post-webinar summary.  If you have any questions, please contact Dan Anders at daniel.anders@towermsa.com or 888.331.4941.


Risk & Insurance: Am I Allocating Enough for a Medicare Set-Aside? Take These Pointers from a Pro to Find Out

January 26, 2023

Man in business suit looking confused about Conditional Payments

Tower’s MSP Compliance blog analyzes the nuances of Medicare Set-Asides (MSAs) and other aspects of Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance. It covers topics like re-reviews and the termination of ongoing responsibility for medicals (ORM), along with tweaks to WCMSA Reference Guide. Most of our posts drill down into the fine details that our readers need to know.

Every now and then, though, it’s good to pull back and take a high-level view of MSAs as our Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders does in this Risk and Insurance article. Keep it handy in case you need to explain MSAs to an injured employee … or a colleague.

Happy Holidays From Your Friends at Tower MSA Partners

December 21, 2022

Happy Holidays sign

We’ve had an exciting year of growth at Tower MSA Partners in 2022 and would like to extend our appreciation to you, our valued partners, who have supported us.  Whether this is your first year as a Tower client, or one who has been with us for many years, Tower’s success results from your loyalty.

Our team works diligently each and every day to earn your trust by providing a service level unmatched in the MSP industry.  And we can do that only through the expertise, knowledge, professionalism and commitment of our amazing staff, also unmatched in our industry Together with our team, we hope we have met and exceeded your service expectations throughout the past year.  

We extend our warmest wishes to you and yours. A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your friends at Tower MSA Partners. 


AASCIF Publishes Tower Article on MSA Submit vs. Non-Submit Debate

December 12, 2022

Tower MSA Logo used in an article on Am I Allocating Enough for a Medicare Set-Aside

In its fall newsletter, the American Association of State Compensation Insurance Funds (AASCIF) published an article entitled “Despite the Controversy, MSA Submission is Still Okay.”  Written by Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, the article details the pros and cons of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approval of an MSA.

As the article concludes, “While the submit vs. non-submit dispute will undoubtedly continue, the MSA approval process allows parties to obviate the risk of shifting future injury-related medical care to Medicare by obtaining a stamp of approval.”  Recognizing that the submission process can sometimes increase settlement costs, the article provides tips on obtaining a quick CMS MSA approval and reducing cost drivers.

CIO Review Magazine Ranks Tower MSA Partners Among Top 10 Compliance Technology Services Companies

November 3, 2022

Pict of award congratulating Tower on its Technology

The honors keep coming. Earlier this year, Tower ranked in South Florida Business Journal’s Top 25 Women-Owned Business list and now there’s national recognition of our technology driven compliance services. CIO Review: The Enterprise Technology Magazine just listed us among its 10 Most Promising Technology Compliance Services Companies for 2022 and featured Tower in this article.

When our Co-founders Rita Wilson and Kristine Dudley looked at the Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) landscape back in 2010, they found it littered with paper and inefficient processes. Everything was manual. Few providers tried to mitigate costs. And MSAs took so long to produce that some settlements fell through.

After talking with prospective clients to determine their pain points, Rita and Kristie knew they needed to accelerate MSA production. They automated Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) compliance and MSA best practices into Tower’s MSP Automation Suite.

Because the suite easily integrates with any claims system and gathers data needed to prepare the MSA, it immediately reduced payers’ administrative burden. For the first time, clients also had 24/7 visibility into the entire claim. They could pull reports and check the status of an MSA anytime.

The suite also prompts for next steps and missing data to help keep claims moving. MSAs can be produced in days instead of weeks.

Tower’s MSP Automation Suite was designed so modules could be easily added to quickly adapt to changes from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. For example, when the agency announced plans to impose high penalties for inaccurate or slow Section 111 Mandatory Insurer reporting, Tower built a dashboard to steer compliance efforts to help clients avoid these future penalties.

The technology helps us mitigate MSA costs and immediately implement CMS changes. It also makes compliance more efficient for Tower’s clients and employees.  It frees our professionals to concentrate on clinical and legal interventions to reduce allocations and focus on our clients.

One of our clients said,Tower MSA has been a great partner for us! I have been very impressed with their level of communication and availability to help answer questions. Their easy referral process and fast turnaround times are much appreciated.”

Naturally, we enjoy external validation from honors like the CIO Review recognition. But it’s a real honor to serve our client partners who are some of the most respected payer organizations in the industry.

We’re constantly looking for ways to improve, meet clients’ needs, and exceed their expectations. Please contact Rita Wilson, rita.wilson@towermsa.com with any questions, suggestions, or other ideas.