Premier Webinar: Get Ready for Section 111 Reporting Penalties and WCMSA Reporting

May 3, 2024

Section 111 reporting

CMS Announces Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting Changes: Penalties and New WCMSA Requirements

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released several announcements regarding Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting over recent months.  Some relate to Section 111 penalties and some to the new requirement to add Workers’ Compensation MSAs to Section 111 reporting.

Timely and accurate Section 111 reporting is essential if you want to avoid penalties. And WCMSA reporting will introduce new tasks for claims professionals and potentially affect how WC cases with Medicare beneficiary claimants are settled.

To help you and your organization prepare for these changes

Tower will hold a “Get Ready for Section 111 Reporting Penalties and WCMSA Reporting” webinar on May 22.

Please join Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer Dan Anders and Chief Technology Officer Jesse Shade for this valuable, instructional session. Scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 2 pm ET, the hour-long webinar will address:

  • Criteria and timeline for the implementation of Section 111 Reporting penalties.
  • Practices to mitigate and eliminate the potential for penalties.
  • How a Section 111 reporting audit can identify errors, blind spots and recommend corrective actions to your systems and processes.
  • Criteria and timeline for Workers Compensation MSA reporting.
  • Implication of WCMSA reporting for claims professionals, attorneys, and settling parties.

A Q&A session will follow the presentation, and you can provide questions ahead of time at registration. Please click the link below and register today!

CMS Moves Start Date for WCMSA Reporting to April 2025

April 23, 2024

CMS delays start date for section 111 reporting of WCMSAs

CMS delays start date for Section 111 reporting of WCMSAs to April 2025 and announces new webinar for Q&A

During last week’s webinar, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an extension of the start date for Section 111 reporting of WCMSAs from January 2025 to April 4, 2025.

(Due to technical difficulties with the April 16 webcast, CMS has scheduled another webinar for Q&A this Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 2:30 ET. Details on the webinar are here.

Remember, CMS requires Section 111 reporting of WCMSAs of any MSA amount, even if $0. These amounts must be reported whether they are CMS-approved MSAs or not.

CMS details new reporting guidelines and start date for Section 111 WCMSA Implementation

CMS reiterated several points that had been detailed in a prior webinar and through the recent Section 111 User Guide update.  Please review CMS Updates Section 111 NGHP User Guide and WCMSA Reference Guide for this information. New points are below:

  • The start date for WCMSA reporting was changed from January 2025 to April 4, 2025, to give Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) more time to make the needed changes to their reporting processes.
  • Testing of the new fields will be available beginning on October 7, 2024.
  • All WCMSA fields except Field 43 (Professional Administration EIN) will result in “hard” errors if reported incorrectly. Hard errors cause the TPOC report to be rejected, which can in turn cause the report to be untimely if it is not corrected promptly.
  • As such, hard errors may result in the imposition of civil money penalties (CMPs) although CMS will not impose a CMP for two reporting periods after implementation of WCMSA reporting. In other words, only records on or after October 15, 2025, and with a reportable MSA are subject to a CMP.
  • If an RRE fails to report an MSA, CMS may utilize all available statutory and regulatory options to recover mistakenly made payments, including under the False Claims Act.
  • No changes are made as to what constitutes a reportable TPOC. If a TPOC is reportable, then the WCMSA fields must be completed. If it is not reportable, such as when the WC settlement is $750 or less, then the WCMSA fields are not completed.
  • If multiple defendants are parties to a single settlement, they must report the total TPOC amount (and not their “share”) and the total MSA amount.
  • The Section 111 reporting process is not intended to replace the submission of settlement documents to CMS following the settlement of a claim with a CMS-approved MSA. (Final settlement documents should always be sent to Tower for upload to CMS.)
  • Receipt of the MSA report through the Section 111 reporting process will allow CMS to send information to the beneficiary on the attestation and exhaustion process. (Currently this is not done for most self-administered non-submit MSAs).

CMS outlines impact of “W” records in common working file (CWF) for MSA reporting

CMS also explained that once the MSA is reported, a “W” record will be posted in the Common Working File (CWF), which prevents payments of medical services related to the reported diagnosis codes. The CWF is part of CMS’s system to accurately coordinate benefits, so Medicare does not make payment when another “primary payer” is available.

A copy of the webinar slides can be found here.

Please contact Dan Anders at with any questions.

CMS Updates Section 111 NGHP User Guide and WCMSA Reference Guide

April 5, 2024

woman holding CMS-Updates binder

CMS Releases Updates to MMSEA Section 111 NGHP User Guide and WCMSA Reference Guide

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) began April with updates to two of its popular user guides, the MMSEA Section 111 NGHP User Guide and the WCMSA Reference Guide.  Notably, the NGHP User Guide, version 7.5, now includes details on the requirements to report WCMSA amounts with other relevant data. These will need to be reported as of April 4, 2025.

The NGHP User Guide, Section of Chapter III: Policy Guidance, was updated to state:

For workers’ compensation records submitted on a production file with a TPOC date on or after April 4, 2025, Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangements (WCMSAs) must be reported.

CMS also updated Chapter IV: Technical Information with similar language.

CMS Revisions to WCMSA Reporting Fields in Chapter V: Appendices

Additionally, CMS updated Chapter V: Appendices to identify the fields that will be added to the Claim Input File Detail for WCMSA reporting:

  • Field 37 – MSA Amount: This will be either $0 or an amount greater than $0. If an annuity is used, then the “total payout” is reported.
  • Field 38 – MSA Period: If the MSA amount is greater than $0, you need to enter the number of years the MSA is expected to cover the beneficiary.
  • Field 39 – Lump Sum or Structured/Annuity Payout Indicator: If the MSA amount is greater than $0, you will enter “L” for a lump-sum MSA or “S” for a structured/annuity MSA.
  • Field 40 – Initial Deposit Amount: If an annuity, then the MSA seed amount is reported.
  • Field 41 – Anniversary Deposit Amount: If an annuity, then the amount of the annual payments.
  • Field 42 – Case Control Number (CCN): If an MSA is submitted to CMS for review or is otherwise submitted to CMS post-settlement, it will be assigned a CCN. The CCN is entered in this field, although this is optional.
  • Field 43 – Professional Administrator EIN: Enter the Employer Identification Number of the professional administrator here if there is one. If this EIN is not provided, the “case administrator” defaults to the beneficiary. If the EIN does not match a registered administrator account in the Workers Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Portal (WCMSAP), then “case administrator” will also default to the beneficiary.

CMS provided a table of error codes for errors identified in the above-reported information.

Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) can start testing these new fields on October 7, 2024. For further details, see the Tower article, CMS Sets Date for Start of Section 111 WCMSA Reporting.

CMS also incorporated the following notice into the NGHP User Guide:

As of January 1, 2024, the threshold for physical trauma-based liability insurance settlements will remain at $750. CMS will maintain the $750 threshold for no-fault insurance and workers’ compensation settlements, where the no-fault insurer or workers’ compensation entity does not otherwise have ongoing responsibility for medicals (Section 6.4).

The $750 reporting threshold has been in place for several years.

CMS included minor updates to the WCMSA Reference Guide, version 4.0

Specifically, CMS added:

Instruction specific to beneficiaries has been added to encourage them to use their access to the portal for the most efficient method of submitting attestations (Sections 11.1.1 and 17.5).

For further information on electronic reporting of attestations, see the above-referenced sections in the guide or the Tower article, CMS Adds Electronic Submission Option for MSA Attestations.

CMS also amended the link in Section 10.3 to reflect the most recent CDC Life Table link. The life tables are used to determine life expectancy for calculation of the MSA.

CMS Sets April 16 for Webinar on Section 111 Reporting of WCMSAs

March 27, 2024

Webinar on Section 111 Reporting of WCMSAs

Prepare for Change: CMS Webinar on Expanding Section 111 NGHP TPOC Reporting to Include WCMSA Information

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has scheduled a webinar for April 16, 2024, at 2 PM ET to provide updates on the implementation of Section 111 reporting of Workers Compensation Medicare Set-Asides (WCMSAs).  Per the March 25, 2024 announcement:

CMS will be hosting a second webinar regarding the expansion of Section 111 Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) Total Payment Obligation to Claimant (TPOC) reporting to include Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) information. After the first webinar in November, CMS received additional questions and feedback from the industry. The intent of this webinar is to ensure that RREs will be prepared for the change once implemented. With that in mind, this webinar will include a background recap, summary of technical details, updated timelines and CMP impacts. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. Because this expansion impacts reporting of WCMSAs, it is strongly recommended that Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) that report Workers’ Compensation settlements attend.

There is no pre-registration for the webinar.  Full details can be found here.

As of April 4, 2025, TPOC reporting must include Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangements (WCMSAs). (See CMS Sets Date for Start of Section 111 WCMSA Reporting).

The WCMSA reporting requirement applies to both CMS-approved and non-approved MSAs.  This information must be reported if the insurance type is workers’ compensation and the TPOC amount is greater than $0. The rule will be prospective only, meaning it applies to TPOC dates of April 4, 2025 and later.

To collect this data, CMS is adding new fields to the Section 111 Claim Input File.

Tower will provide a post-webinar summary.  If you have any questions, please contact Dan Anders at or 888.331.4941.


Special Webinar: Your Need-to-Know Guide on Section 111 Reporting Penalties

October 16, 2023

Pctures with details regarding the October 18th Webinar on Section 111 Penalties

CMS recently published its final rule on the imposition of Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting penalties.  While we addressed the specifics of the rule in our article, CMS Section 111 Penalties Rule Focuses on Untimely Reporting, we know that many questions remain.

In a special webinar on October 18 at 2 p.m. ET, Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, and Chief Technology Officer, Jesse Shade, will provide your need-to-know guide to these penalties.  Topics will include:

  • Complete analysis of the rule, including criteria, penalty amounts and appeals
  • Examples of reporting situations which will and will not run afoul of the rule
  • Safe harbors from penalties
  • Best practices to mitigate and eliminate the potential for penalties
  • Resources available to Tower Section 111 reporting clients to ensure proper reporting

A Q&A session will follow the presentation, and we encourage you to submit questions when you register. Please click the link below and register today!

Please note there is no CEU credit offered for this webinar.

Register Here



CMS Changes Rules for ORM and NOINJ Reporting in the Latest Update of its Section 111 Reporting User Guide

June 9, 2023

CMS User Guides for Section 111 Reporting. open book with colored page markers

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released Version 7.2 of its MMSEA Section 111 User Guide. The guide contains some notable updates for Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals (ORM) reporting, determination of the ORM termination date with a physician letter, and use of the NOINJ code in certain liability settlements.

Revised Trigger for ORM Reporting

CMS revised Section 6.3 (Policy Guidance) on the trigger for reporting Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals (ORM):

The trigger for reporting ORM is the assumption of ORM by the RRE, which is when the RRE has made a determination to assume responsibility for ORM and when the beneficiary receives medical treatment related to the injury or illness. Medical payments do not actually have to be paid, nor does a claim need to be submitted, for ORM reporting to be required. The effective date for ORM is the DOI, regardless of when the beneficiary receives the first medical treatment or when ORM is reported.

We surmise that CMS added the additional requirement (bolded) for reporting ORM so that allow no-fault plans do not have to report ORM on minor claims that have no evidence of medical treatment.  Workers’ compensation plans already have an exclusion for reporting ORM on minor medical-only WC claims where medical payments do not exceed $750, along with other requirements (See Section 6.3.1 of the guide).

The change raises an interesting question: What obligation does the no-fault plan have to determine if treatment has occurred?  In other words, does the no-fault plan have to actively inquire about treatment? Or can it be passive and wait to report ORM after treatment is occurring? There isn’t an answer from CMS’s ORM definition.

Determining ORM Termination Date Based on Physician Statement

CMS previously added a provision to Section 6.3.2 (Policy Guidance) which allows ORM termination based on a physician statement finding that no additional medical items and/or services associated with the claimed injuries will be required.  Apparently, a question arose about what ORM termination date to enter if such a physician letter is obtained.  Per CMS:

Where an RRE is relying upon a physician’s statement to terminate ORM, the ORM termination

date to be submitted should be determined as follows:

  • Where the physician’s statement specifies a date as to when no further treatment was

required, that date should be the reported ORM termination date;

  •  Where the physician’s statement does not specify a date when no further treatment was

required, the date of the statement should be the reported ORM termination date;

  •  Where the physician’s statement does not specify a date when no further treatment was

required, nor is the statement dated, the last date of the related treatment should be used as the ORM termination date.

The above should clarify the appropriate ORM termination date to use when a physician statement is obtained.

Reporting of NOINJ is Now Optional

Since the early days of Section 111 reporting CMS has required liability claims where medicals are released in settlement but where the type of claim typically has no associated or alleged medical care to be reported.  Because there were no diagnosis codes to report, these claims were reported with a “NOINJ” code.  Examples of such claims were loss of consortium, an errors or omissions liability insurance claim, a directors and officers liability insurance claim, or a claim resulting from a wrongful action related to employment status action.

CMS has now revised its policy in Section of the User Guide (Technical Information) on the reporting of such claims to state:

Note: In cases where the reporting of a liability record only meets the criteria for reporting a ‘NOINJ’ diagnosis code in Field 18, the reporting of the record is no longer required. However, it is optional for the RRE to report the record with the ‘NOINJ’ diagnosis code following the previously existing rules in the User Guide as follows:

This update is great news for carriers who have had to report these types of claims for more than a decade now.

If you have any questions on these updates, please contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at (888) 331.4941 or

CMS: Lead Insurer is RRE for Subscription Insurance Policy Section 111 Reporting

April 26, 2023

CMS User Guides for Section 111 Reporting. open book with colored page markers

In an update to its Section 111 MSP Mandatory Reporting User Guide (Version 7.1 Chapter III Policy Guidance) CMS made clear that in a subscription insurance policy arrangement, the lead insurer is solely responsible for Section 111 mandatory reporting requirements.

The new section of the guide, Section 6.1.13 states:

In a subscription insurance policy arrangement, two or more insurers enter into an agreement whereby the risk of the insurance policy is spread among the various insurance entities in some agreed-upon ratio. In such arrangements, a lead insurer is designated for various administrative and business purposes. While there may be many co-insurers on a subscription insurance policy, there is only one lead insurer, and that lead insurer remains so throughout the policy life cycle.

 Due to the nature of the subscription insurance market and the way such policies are structured, it is appropriate for the lead insurer to act as the sole RRE as it relates to Section 111 mandatory reporting requirements. The ability for the lead insurer to act as the sole RRE is predicated on the assumption that the lead insurer will avail themselves of all rights, requirements, and responsibilities codified in statute and further set out in regulation and within this and any other sub-regulatory guidance provided by CMS, as is from time to time amended. In any such lead reporting situation, as it relates to subscription insurance policies, CMS will assume that the lead insurer, as the sole RRE, will be responsible for all applicable reporting, recovery, and benefits coordination requirements that presently exist, regardless of the existence of any other co-insurer that may enter into a subscription arrangement or similar contract with the lead insurer.

Practical Implications

With subscription insurance policies, risk is divided among two or more policies. It can be an equal split, or one company assumes more risk than another as long as the combined coverage equals 100% of the required limits.  In these arrangements, one insurer takes the lead as administrator.

Based on this policy announcement, only the lead insurer is required to complete Section 111 reporting as the sole RRE.  Other insurers are released from reporting responsibilities.

Please get in touch with Dan Anders, Chief Compliance Officer, at or 888.331.4941 with any questions.

CMS Extends Deadline for Publication of Final Section 111 Penalties Rule

February 20, 2023

picture of stamps reading rules, regulations, Section 111 Penalities

There was much expectation that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) would meet the February 18, 2023 deadline to release a final rule on Section 111 reporting civil money penalties (CMPs). However, it was not to be.  CMS extended its deadline for publishing the final rule by a year to February 18, 2024.

Recall that the purpose of the rule is to set out specific criteria for when CMS may impose penalties for what it considers a failure to report or improper reporting.  A summary of the proposed rule can be found here.

In the notice, CMS explains the reason for the extension:

. . . We are not able to meet the initial targeted 3-year timeline for publication due to delays related to the need for additional, time-consuming data analysis resulting from public inquiry. It was not possible to conclude this data analysis on the initial, targeted timeline for the proposed rule because public listening sessions raised additional concerns that CMS believed were important to properly and thoroughly research prior to publishing the final rule. We have decided that it is critical to conduct additional analysis about the economic impact of the rule. We are preparing additional data analysis and predictive modeling to better understand the economic impact of the proposed rule across different insurer types. This data analysis is designed to review the actual current reporting and model potential penalties that would be imposed were the final rule in place. Along with delays resulting from the agency’s focus on the COVID- 19 public health emergency, we determined that additional time is needed to address the complex policy and operational issues that were raised. We are extending the publication deadline so as to provide the most accurate, complete, and robust data possible to confirm the intent and economic impact of the final rule.

Practical Implications

Besides not having to worry about penalties for another year, we are pleased CMS is taking the time to complete a data analysis of the impact of its penalty regulation.  While in its initial regulatory announcement, CMS indicated its rule would not have a significant economic impact, we, as well as others, noted in our comments to the proposed regulation that the authority to impose penalties of up to $1,000 per day per claim could lead to millions of dollars of penalties on even one claim.  This is most definitely a significant economic impact.

As required by law, CMS will eventually make its penalties rule final and issue penalties.  Accordingly, while we await that final rule, you have been granted more time to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of your reporting.

Current Tower Section 111 reporting partners have access to our Section 111 Management Dashboard, which gives you complete visibility into your claims from a global level all the way down to specific claims.  This, along with our standard error reports and consultation on error correction, is the best path forward to eliminate the potential for CMS to impose penalties.

If you do not yet partner with Tower for Section 111 reporting, now is an excellent time to consider the benefits of a platform which seamlessly manages Section 111 reporting, conditional payments, Medicare Set-Aside triage, clinical and legal interventions, MSA preparation, and CMS submission activities.  Don’t hesitate to contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at 888.331.4941 or, with any questions.

Related Articles

Tower MSA Partners Ready to Steer Clients Through Pending Section 111 Civil Money Penalties

WorkCompWire: Plan Now to Avoid Pending Medicare Reporting Penalties

A Claims Professional’s Guide to Common MSP Acronyms and Abbreviations

January 19, 2023

Picture of scrabble tiles that could be put together to create MSP ACRONYMs

People in the MSP compliance business rattle off acronyms and abbreviations, such as AWP, MMSEA, and TPOC like it’s second nature. People immersed in Section 111 reporting and Medicare Set-Asides understand the abbreviations, but most people listening to us do not. So, here’s a quick cheat-sheet (or handy guide) to frequently used acronyms and their meanings:

Common MSP Acronyms and Abbreviations

AWP – Average wholesale price:  The AWP is a Red Book pricing reference for prescription drugs. The lowest AWP is used to calculate Medicare Part D drugs in a Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA).

BCRC – Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center: This contractor to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services consolidates the activities that support the collection, management, and reporting of other primary insurance coverage for Medicare beneficiaries.  In short, it manages the MMSEA Section 111 reporting program and pursues conditional payment recovery when the claimant Medicare beneficiary is the debtor.

CMS – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:  The federal government agency oversees the Medicare program.  CMS’s Division of MSP Program Operations directly manages CMS’s Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) enforcement programs.

COB – Coordination of Benefits:  The coordination of benefits (COB) program aims to identify the health benefits available to a Medicare beneficiary and to coordinate the payment process to prevent mistaken payment of Medicare benefits.

CRC – Commercial Repayment Center: This CMS contractor pursues conditional payment recovery when the self-insured entity or the insurer is the identified debtor.

CWF – Common Working File: CMS uses this tool to maintain national Medicare records for individual beneficiaries enrolled in the Medicare program.  For example, a funded CMS-approved workers’ compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) will trigger a marker in the CWF, so Medicare will not pay for care covered by the WCMSA.

LMSA – Liability Medicare Set-Aside: General term for an MSA in a liability case settlement.

MBI – Medicare Beneficiary Identifier:  The Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) is the identification number replaced SSN-based health insurance claim numbers (HICNs) on all Medicare transactions, such as Medicare cards, billing, claim submissions and appeals.

MIR – Mandatory Insurer Reporting:  Another term for MMSEA Section 111 reporting.

MMSEA – Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP Extension Act of 2007: Section 111 of this act added mandatory reporting requirements regarding Medicare beneficiaries who have coverage under group health plan (GHP) arrangements as well as for Medicare beneficiaries who receive settlements, judgments, awards, or other payment from liability insurance (including self-insurance), no-fault insurance, or workers’ compensation, collectively referred to as Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) or NGHP insurance.

MSA – Medicare Set-Aside: An account used to pay for injury-related and Medicare-covered medical services and prescription medications. It is a portion of a settlement that is reserved or “set-aside” for this purpose.

MSP – Medicare Secondary Payer: This is the term generally used when the Medicare program does not have primary payment responsibility, that is when another entity, such as workers’ compensation or liability insurance or a group health plan, is responsible for paying before Medicare.

MSPRP – Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal: A web-based tool designed to assist in the resolution of liability insurance, no-fault insurance, and workers’ compensation Medicare recovery cases.

NGHP – Non-Group Health Plan: Typically used in reference to Section 111 reporting, NGHP includes liability insurance (including self-insurance), no-fault insurance, and workers’ compensation.

ORM – Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals:  This refers to the Responsible Reporting Entity (RRE) paying for the injured party/Medicare beneficiary’s ongoing medical treatment associated with the claim.

RO – Regional Office:  A CMS RO is assigned to each WCMSA case (based on the claimant’s state of residence); that RO makes the final determination of the appropriate funding level for the WCMSA.

RRE: Responsible Reporting Entity: The applicable plan, namely the NGHP, responsible for Section 111 reporting to CMS.

SSDI – Social Security Disability Insurance: Pays monthly benefits to workers who can no longer work due to a significant illness or impairment that is expected to last at least a year or result in death within a year.

SSN – Social Security Number: A numerical identifier assigned to U.S. citizens and other residents to track income and determine benefits.

TPOC – Total Payment Obligation to the Claimant: For Section 111 reporting purposes, CMS uses the term TPOC to refer to the dollar amount of the total payment obligation to, or on behalf of, the injured party in connection with the settlement, judgment, award, or other payment in addition to/apart from ORM.

WCMSA – Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside: This is a financial agreement that allocates a portion of a workers’ compensation settlement to pay for future medical services related to the workers’ compensation injury, illness, or disease.

WCMSAP – Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Portal: The WCMSAP may be used to submit and view WCMSA proposals, to communicate about the review approval process, and to submit re-review requests. Users can also view the status and balance of an established WCMSA and submit annual attestations and detailed transaction records.

WCRC – Workers Compensation Review Contractor: This CMS contractor reviews all submitted WCMSAs and advises the CMS Regional Office whether the proposed WCMSA is sufficient, or a higher or lower amount is recommended.

CMS to Provide RREs with Response File on ORM Record Changes

January 11, 2023

book marked by sticky notes illustrating changes Section 111 reporting on ORM

Starting July 2023, Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) can access updates/changes that another source has made to their claims for Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals (ORM).  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced this in an update to its MMSEA Section 111 NGHP User Guide, Version 7.0.

It may surprise insurers and self-insurers that the ORM data they report through Section 111 reporting can be modified by the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC), which coordinates benefits on behalf of CMS. For example, suppose a claimant contacts the BCRC and advises that they are being denied medical care due to an open ORM (ORM indicates the RRE accepts the claim). In that case, the BCRC may update the ORM record to indicate that medical has been terminated (especially if the claimant indicates the case has been settled).

The RRE needs to be notified of this action to correct its reporting or to advise the BCRC that this was an erroneous change to the record.

Presently, and in our experience, the BCRC typically issues a letter to the RRE advising of the change it made to the ORM status.  Starting this summer, RREs can also access these changes through Section 111 reporting. The revised user guide states:

Effective July 2023, RREs will be able to opt in via the Section 111 secure website to receive a monthly NGHP Unsolicited Response File. This will provide critical information about updates to ORM records originally submitted in the last 12 months and allow RREs to either update their internal data or contact the Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center (BCRC) for a correction.

This report will provide the source of the record modification and the reason for it. This should eliminate confusion when the BCRC changes ORM reporting data.

Other Updates to Section 111 User Guide

CMS included these other updates in Version 7.0 of the user guide:

  • Sections 6.4.2, 6.4.3 and 6.4.4. of Chapter III: Policy Guidance indicated CMS would maintain the $750 reporting threshold for physical trauma-based liability insurance settlements and the $750 threshold for no-fault insurance and workers’ compensation settlements, where the no-fault insurer or workers’ compensation entity does not otherwise have ongoing responsibility for medicals.
  • In Chapter IV: Technical Information besides the aforementioned ability to, as of July 2023, obtain an NGHP Unsolicited Response File, CMS put in place the following changes:
  • Information on recovery agents was clarified to emphasize that such agents need written authorizations to pursue any post-demand actions (Section 6.3.1).
  • Recovery agents may now view the Open Debt Report on the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP), if the agent has an active MSPRP account with a TIN matching one submitted on the RRE’s TIN Reference File (Section
  • ORM Termination Date field number 79 was corrected for the Event Table (Section 6.9.1).

As Tower is a recovery agent for many of our clients, the ability to download a copy of the Open Debt Report will be helpful in monitoring CMS’s ongoing recovery actions.

  • Finally, CMS updated Chapter V: Appendices as follows:
  • The CP13 soft edit policy limit amount has decreased from $1000 to $500 (Appendix F).
  • For the TIN Reference File, the Go Paperless Indicator is no longer required when submitting the Recovery Agent TIN (Field 25) (Appendix G).

If you have any questions on these updates, don’t hesitate to contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at or 888.331.4941.