CMS Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting Webinar Recap

April 7, 2021

man on keyboard for Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting

Leaders from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Division of MSP Program Operations, Commercial Repayment Center (CRC), and Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC) held an April 1 webinar on the intersection of the BCRC and CRC in Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting and the resolution of Medicare conditional payments.

While mostly a Q&A format, the webinar unveiled a new CMS/BCRC policy for reporting partial settlement of medical when Ongoing Responsibility for Medical (ORM) ends for certain diagnoses and continues for others. Set to rollout in June, the new reporting policy provides for three scenarios:

  • Partial settlement of medical prior to initial reporting

Scenario:  Claimant is identified as a Medicare beneficiary which triggers the requirement to report ORM and/or Total Payment Obligation to the Claimant (TPOC) through the Section 111 reporting process.  Both ORM and TPOC are for the same insurance type, policy, and claim number.  The only difference is the accepted and denied diagnoses on the claim.  The parties agree to a partial settlement for the denied diagnoses and leave the accepted diagnoses open on the claim.

Problem:  How to report a partial settlement of the denied diagnoses and still report ORM for the accepted diagnoses.

 CMS Solution:  CMS’s solution is to submit two add records. Specifically, one record will be added for ORM that will describe all of the diagnoses that have been accepted for ORM.  ORM will be ‘Y’ with no TPOC date or amounts.  A second record will be added for TPOC which will describe all of the denied diagnoses that are being settled.  ORM will be ‘N’ with a TPOC date and amount.

  • Partial settlement of medical post initial reporting

Scenario:  A claim with multiple diagnoses was reported for ORM through the Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting process.  The parties agree to a settlement for certain diagnoses while keeping ORM open for other diagnoses.

Problem:  How to report a partial settlement for certain diagnoses while keeping ORM open for the non-settled diagnoses.

CMS Solution:  CMS’s solution is to submit one update record and one add record.  The update record will remove the diagnoses that are subject to the partial settlement and keep the diagnoses codes where ORM continues.  Then, an add record with the TPOC date, amount and diagnoses codes that are subject to the partial settlement will be submitted.  ORM will remain “N” in the add record.

  • Partial ORM closure with no settlement

Scenario:  Acceptance of ORM is initially reported though the Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting process with multiple diagnoses.  Subsequent to this initial report, there is a basis to terminate one or more of the initially accepted diagnoses, but not all of the diagnoses.  This is not a situation where a partial settlement has occurred, rather there is a basis to terminate one or more diagnoses absent a settlement.  For example, a claimant’s cardiac condition was exacerbated as a result of a fall and the medical providers confirm resolution of the exacerbation. While the carrier continues to accept the orthopedic condition, the ORM can end for the cardiac diagnosis.

Problem:  How to end ORM for one or more diagnoses while keeping it open for other diagnoses.

CMS Solution:  CMS’s solution is to send an update record that removes the diagnosis or diagnoses where ORM has ended. In this situation a TPOC date is not submitted, rather this is only submitted when ORM is completely terminated for all diagnoses.

The purpose behind these new policies is to improve coordination of benefits such that a Medicare beneficiary’s medical care is not denied when unrelated to a claim and prevent the recovery contractors from attempting to seek reimbursement for Medicare payments unrelated to a claim.

While we thank CMS and the BCRC for identifying solutions to the above reporting problems, we believe RREs may face some technical challenges in the ability to, for example, report two add records on the same claim.  We await issuance of the formal policy from CMS and will review how this policy change can best be incorporated into the Section 111 reporting process.

In addition to announcing the new reporting policy, CMS and the contractors provided the following advice:

Respond to correct contractor – Carefully review the correspondence and make sure to respond to the contractor that sent the letter, whether it’s to obtain further information, dispute/appeal charges, or to make payment.

As a reminder, CMS noted, the BCRC is generally recovering conditional payments when the identified debtor is the Medicare beneficiary while the CRC is recovering conditional payments when the insurer/WC carrier is the identified debtor.

CMS provided the following guidance regarding key timeframes:

  • Interest accrues from the date of the demand letter and is assessed on debt if not resolved within 60 days.
    • When CMS issues a demand letter directly to the applicable plan, the applicable plan has formal administrative appeal rights.
    • The applicable plan has 120 days from the date the applicable plan receives the demand letter to file a redetermination (first level of appeal). Interest will still accrue during this time.
    • If the appeal is not filed within 120 days, and “good cause” for untimely filing is not provided, the appeal will be dismissed.
    • Failure to resolve the debt will result in referral to treasury at 180 days.

Note:  When you are appealing to the ALJ please be sure to cc the CRC so that they can appropriately place a hold on a case so that it is not referred to treasury while the appeal is in process.

During the Q&A portion of the webinar CMS and its contractors addressed varied questions; some are summarized below:

  • What can be done if we cannot obtain a Social Security number from the claimant? CMS advised them to document their efforts at obtaining the SSN.  It was noted CMS has model language found on the CMS website which can be used to document claimant’s refusal to provide SSN.
  • In response to a question concerning the many charges found on conditional payment notices and demands that are unrelated to the injury, CMS/CRC acknowledged that it is not a perfect process. The CRC explained that when conditional payment information is requested what is sent to the requestor may have only been produced through an automated search of charges related to the injury.  CRC did advise that when it comes to actual issuance of a demand that there is a human validating process.
  • In response to a question concerning why in response to a dispute of a Conditional Payment Notice, one might receive another CPN with new charges, the CRC explained that this is the result of the system constantly reviewing for additional charges deemed related to the injury.
  • There were several questions regarding problems with the CRC recognizing out-of-pocket reimbursements to claimants in a no-fault/med-pay claim as counting towards the exhaustion of the no-fault maximum amount. CRC’s response was to advise entities to provide plan documents and proof of payment to the claimant along with a reason for the payment.  Its leader said, “We are aware that no-fault payors have run into problems with CRC rejecting out-of-pocket expenses as included within the no-fault exhaustion amount.”

If you have any questions, please contact Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, at or 888.331.4941.

Related prior posts:


Women’s History Month: Celebrating Tower’s History as a Women-Owned Business

March 18, 2021

Portraits of Rita Wilson and Kristine Dudley. executive team of Tower, a women-owned business

As a women-owned business serving the workers’ compensation and liability insurance industry in the Medicare Set Aside (MSA) sector, we thought a great way to celebrate this month is to take a chapter from our own history. We’re pretty proud of our leadership team as well as being certified members of WBENC or the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to helping women-owned businesses thrive.

Tower is not only a women-owned business, 85% of employees, including the majority of our managers and supervisors, are women.

The company was co-founded in 2011 by Rita Wilson and Kristine Wilson Dudley.

Tower Co-Founder: Rita Wilson

Rita’s path to Medicare Set-Asides wound through technology and pharmacy. She graduated summa cum laude with a BS degree from Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, completed graduate studies at Converse College in Spartanburg, and started her tech career with a textile company.

She later became Director of Research & Development for a company that developed pharmacy management software. Her team developed standards for information exchange between group health pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and pharmacies. Her next move was to build out the operations and technology for a start-up workers’ comp PBM and ultimately become its CEO.

“We took insurance billing from a labor-intensive and mostly paper-bill environment into electronic adjudication,” Rita said.

In 2006, she moved to Florida and founded a diagnostic company and did some technology consulting with Speedy MSA, which was owned by Behn Wilson. He introduced Rita to his daughter, Kristie.

Tower Co-Founder: Kristine Wilson Dudley

Kristie had grown up in the workers’ comp industry and recalls going to the conference that is now WCI when she was just seven years old. Kristie went to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga on a tennis scholarship, scoring the honor of NCAA Academic All-American in 2004.  She earned her law degree from Florida State University School of Law in Tallahassee.

She practiced law for a while, gaining workers’ comp experience with the firm of Eraclides & Gelman. While MSAs did come up, the firm saw them as necessary, but problematic. “And that’s still true with some law firms and even some adjusters today,” she said. “If you don’t do MSAs every day, they can seem like hurdles instead of opportunities to settle claims.”

While she liked practicing law, Kristie really wanted to operate a business. With Rita’s technology and pharmacy expertise, their joint understanding of MSAs, and Kristie’s legal background, the women knew they could offer deliver MSAs with a better balance of care, cost and compliance than any others in the market.

Tower MSA Facilitates Settlement

The MSA environment of the late 2000s was paper intensive, technology hungry and lacking structure, not unlike pharmacy billing before the ‘90s, according to Rita. It was hard to tell exactly what was happening at any given time with a claim and what action needed to be taken. Claims languished and collected unnecessary expenses.

“I had seen the birth of on-line pharmacy bill adjudication and the standardization of data transfer protocols and knew we could leverage technology to efficiently manage MSA production and approval processes, consistently execute workflow, drive results and accelerate settlements,” she said.

And so, these two women entered a mature market, developed a methodology that changed the paradigm as to how MSAs can facilitate settlement and created metrics to manage performance.  From the ground floor, Tower MSA Partners developed a sophisticated platform that targets cost drivers, documents recommendations of clinical and legal interventions, prompts next steps and keeps claims moving toward settlements.

Is Tower run by pushy women?

“Tower differentiates itself by aggressively seeking ways to mitigate costs and secure savings for clients,” Rita said. “Technology makes that possible.” Through claims feeds from clients, MSA specialists look for things that add unnecessary expense like possible surgeries that have not been discussed in a long time, prescriptions that were never filled, or brand drugs being used when generics could be.

“We’re different because we keep pushing.  We listen to what CMS says and we push back when we disagree with a finding, we bring evidence, we intervene.  We don’t just roll over,” Kristie insists. “Technology and measurements enable us to confidently do this.”

Is Tower run by pushy women? “We prefer ‘proactive,” Rita said, “but if the stiletto fits….”

If you’d like to connect with Rita or Kristie or Tower MSA Partners, email them at or


Rita Wilson, Chief Executive Officer

Kristine M. Dudley, Esq., Chief Operations Officer

Questions About Medicare Conditional Payments? Join Our Upcoming Free Webinar

March 10, 2021

Man in business suit looking confused about Conditional Payments

When it comes to Medicare conditional payments, we get questions!  We’re commonly asked about CMS Medicare conditional payment policies, practices of CMS recovery contractors, the extent of Treasury Department debt recovery and more. It’s important to get the right answers because resolving Medicare conditional payments should be standard practice when settling a workers’ compensation or liability claim involving an injured worker who is a Medicare beneficiary. If you have questions like these:

  • When and how to communicate with the Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) vs. the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC).
  • Requesting and reacting to Medicare conditional payment recovery correspondence.
  • Dispute and appeal conditional payments: What works, doesn’t work and sometimes works.
  • Resolving Treasury Department debt recovery actions

… why not join us for our free webinar Medicare Conditional Payment Tune-up next week? We’ll be holding a Q&A session after the presentation.  Here are the details – be sure to scroll down and click our sign-up button!


Photo of Dan Anders with details about Webinar regarding  Medicare Conditional Payments


CMS to Host Reporting and Medicare Conditional Payment Recovery Town Hall

$750 Medicare Conditional Payment Recovery Threshold Remains for 2021

CMS Introduces Pre-CPNs and Open Debt Reports in Conditional Payment Recovery Process

CMS to Host Reporting and Medicare Conditional Payment Recovery Town Hall

March 2, 2021

Red Medicare button on a keyboard to illustrate Medicare conditional payment.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced it will be hosting a town hall on April 1, 2021 at 1 pm ET to discuss common Non-Group Health Plan topics.  Specifically, representatives from CMS, the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC) and the Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) will be on hand to answer questions related to Section 111 mandatory insurer reporting and Medicare conditional payment recovery.

Complete information can be found here.

In follow-up to Tower’s Medicare Conditional Payment Tune-up webinar, which will be held on March 18, CMS is providing an excellent opportunity to directly address questions with both the policymakers and the recovery contractors.

If your responsibilities touch on Section 111 reporting and/or Medicare conditional payment recovery, we encourage you to attend the town hall.

Tower MSA Partners Supports Insurance Careers Month!

February 24, 2021

Logo - Insurance Careers Month - illustration of silhouetted people

Polish up those resumes because February is Insurance Careers Month! Although Tower MSA Partners is not an insurance company, we are in the insurance solar system.  We provide Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) compliance services including Medicare Set-Asides (MSA) to workers’ compensation and liability insurance companies, third-party administrators, and self-insured employers in all 50 states.

Plus, we’ll take any excuse to celebrate and promote the industry that we serve. Insurance Careers Month is a grassroots initiative “that seeks to inspire young people to choose insurance as a career, share what makes the industry a great one to work in, and collaborate to retain emerging leaders in insurance.” That’s something we can get behind!

Insurance Jobs Are Plentiful & Resilient

Jobs in insurance and insurance-related fields are great jobs that aren’t necessarily high on the radar for new graduates and young professionals, but they should be. First, it’s a huge component of the financial services sector. Using U.S. Department of Labor data, the Insurance Information Institute put the number of employees at 2.8 million in 2019. Of those, 1.6 million people worked for insurance companies, including life and health insurers (923,000 workers), property and casualty insurers (647,000 workers) and reinsurers (28,500 workers). The remaining 1.2 million people worked for insurance agencies, brokers, and other insurance-related enterprises.   It is a resilient business. Because people need insurance and it is sometimes required by law, it generally fares well even when the economy takes a downturn.  There are a wide variety of job opportunities, too – learn more at III Careers in insurance.

Insurance-Related Jobs Are Rewarding

To commemorate the month, we’d like to highlight two Tower MSA employees and let them tell you what they like about working in an insurance-related industry.

Brittney O'Neal

Brittney O’Neal, CCA, MSCC is a Medicare Set Aside Specialist – Quality Assurance Manager who oversees the team of registered nurses (RNs) who prepare Medicare Set Asides and the Physician Follow-Up team. Brittney works closely with intake and operations departments to ensure Tower receives all the information needed to complete the MSAs, reviews them for accuracy and researches ways to mitigate costs, and presents intervention strategies to clients.

Brittney brought a pharmacy background to Tower when she joined in 2015.  “Understanding how a medication could be contraindicated by another and knowing what is and isn’t covered by Medicare was useful,” she said. “Next, I was all about what do I need to do to get this Medicare Set Aside Specialist certification (MSCC)?”

Now, she’s studying to become an RN to help her better understand the clinical side of the documentation.

Ada Lopez

Like Brittney, Ada Lopez wears a lot of hats as Tower’s MSP Compliance Manager.  She supervises the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) verification and conditional payment processes. In addition, after clients review MSAs, her team submits the MSA and shepherds it through CMS approval. In addition, Ada oversees the Mandatory Section 111 Reporting processes using Tower’s MSP Automation Suite to validate claims data so any discrepancies can be corrected before quarterly filings with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Ada and Brittney agree that people who are well suited for a career in insurance and its related fields enjoy research and have good attention to detail.  “A college degree is preferred,” Ada said, “At least some college along with experience and transferable skills, especially analytical and critical thinking.”

Superior customer service, especially when it comes to SSDI verification, is important, according to Ada.  “You have to give clients the subject matter expertise they expect,” she noted.

A Variety of Talent and Skills Are Needed

Insurance companies need a variety of talent including information technology specialists, marketing and public relations practitioners, lawyers, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, customer service representatives, and financial and administrative professionals. Legal, medical and pharmacy expertise is particularly valuable in the MSA world, as are excellent project management and time management skills. “You need to be able to read, write and summarize patient records, and quickly. There are internal and external turnaround time expectations,” Brittney said.

People who think insurance is boring are just plain wrong, these women say.  It’s interesting how much things can vary from state to state and nationally.  “The same procedure will be covered in one geography and not another,” Brittney added. “You have to be careful reading the records, checking the diagnosis and making sure the physician has documented things correctly.”

Although the workflow can be similar from one day to the next, Brittney said, “Each file and client is different. Every case, treatment, various state rules, guidelines, and interventions are different…it’s a continuous learning experience.”

Both women came to Tower wanting to learn something new and make an impact.

“What is really great is when a client understands what we’ve done for them and appreciates it,” Brittney said.  “When they say, ‘we thought the allocation for this claim would be over $1 million, and it’s only $300,000?  How did you do that?’”

Knowing she’s played a part in helping an injured person settle their claim and move forward with their life brings Ada a great deal of satisfaction.  She believes working in the insurance field – and Tower specifically – gives her a chance to truly help people.  “Once I was at Tower, I learned new things, gained new responsibilities and had more opportunities.”

WEBINAR – Grasp Success in Settling Work Comp Cases

October 28, 2020

banner promoting Tower webinar on settling work comp cases

Seeking the formula for success in settling work comp cases with Medicare Set Asides (MSAs)? We’ve got you covered. 

A Chinese proverb says, “The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed.”  For workers’ compensation practitioners case closure represents success.  However, the impediments presented by the need for an MSA to close a case often are a temptation to quit when success is within your grasp.

On Thursday, November 18 at 2:00 PM ET, Tower’s Chief Operations Officer, Kristine Dudley and Chief Compliance Officer, Dan Anders, will be joined by special guest, Nicole Chapelle, VP of Settlement Solutions for Ametros, to provide the formula for success in settling work comp cases with MSAs.

Here’s just some of what you will learn:

  • The latest on ways Medicare makes CMS MSA approval difficult or drives up MSA costs and how to meet these challenges.
  • Straightforward clinical interventions and case settlement strategies which reduce the MSA amount and allow for quick CMS MSA approval.
  • Easing the settlement concerns of the injured worker by transitioning to MSA professional administration or self-administration assistance for future medical care.

You will also learn that all of this can be done without increasing your work in successfully resolving the case.

A Q&A session will follow the presentation.  Please click the link below and register today!


CMS to Host Webinar on CRC Appeals

September 23, 2020

graphic for CRC Appeals webinar

CMS webinar on CRC Appeals to focus on the procedures and best practices for redeterminations.

This Thursday, September 24 at 1 p.m. ET the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting a Commercial Repayment Center NGHP Applicable Plan appeals webinar

According to the notice:

CMS will be hosting a CRC NGHP Applicable Plan webinar to review the procedures and best practices for redeterminations. The format will be opening remarks by CMS followed by a presentation from the CRC. This webinar will primarily focus upon how to effectively submit a redetermination request (sometimes called a first level appeal).  During the presentation, we will also be reviewing appeal requirements, what is and is not subject to appeal, and details about what documentation is needed to support the appeal request in various situations. 

We encourage anyone involved in Medicare conditional payment appeals stemming from demands from the CRC attend the webinar.

Slides and Q&A Available from August Reporting Webinar

On another note, the slides and Q&A from CMS’s August 13, 2020 Section 111 Non-Group Health Plan (NHGP) Reporting webinar are now available.  Tower provided a summary of this webinar in a prior article entitled CMS: Indemnity Only Settlements are Not Reportable.

CMS Releases Updated Section 111 and MSPRP User Guides – Schedules Reporting Webinar

July 17, 2020

CMS User Guides for Section 111 Reporting. open book with colored page markers

New CMS User Guides released.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released updated user guides for Non-Group Health Plan MMSEA Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting and the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP).  CMS also just announced an August webinar on Section 111 reporting matters.

CMS User Guides: Updated MMSEA Section 111

On June 29, CMS released Version 5.9 of the NGHP MMSEA Section 111 User Guide.  Highlights of the updated user guide:

  • A reminder has been added that while the threshold for physical trauma-based liability insurance settlements remains at $750, this threshold does not apply to non-trauma liability reporting for alleged ingestion, implantation, or exposure cases. Any settlement, regardless of amount, should be reported for these types of cases. (Sections 6.4.2, 6.4.3, and 6.4.4).
  • The limit dollar amount that triggers a threshold error has been adjusted from $99,999,999 to $99,999,999.99. This error occurs any time the No-Fault Insurance Limit amount or the cumulative value of all reported TPOCs (detailed and auxiliary records) exceed this limit. Additionally, the No-Fault Insurance Limit field number has been corrected under “Exceptions.” (Section 7.3.2).
  • When considering the requirements for the Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals (ORM), remember, per current policy, that the dollar limit for No-Fault Insurance Limits (Field 61) represents a combined total of Med-Pay and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) (Section 6.7.1).
  • When considering the requirements for the Ongoing Responsibility for Medicals (ORM), remember, per current policy, that the dollar limit for No-Fault Insurance Limits (Field 61) represents a combined total of Med-Pay and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) (Appendix A).
  • The CR02 claim response file error code field number has been corrected (Appendix F) (Table F-4).

CMS User Guides: Updated MSPRP

On July 13, CMS released Version 4.9 of its MSPRP User Guide.  The MSPRP is a web-based application which allows authorized users to, among other tasks, investigate, dispute and resolve Medicare conditional payments.  Updates can be found on page 1-1 of the user guide.  Significantly, users can now view and print outgoing correspondence from the MSPRP.  This is correspondence that has been received or letters that have been sent related to a BCRC or CRC case.

Section 111 Reporting Webinar

CMS will be hosting a Section 111 NGHP webinar on August 13, 2020 at 1:00 PM ET.  According to the notice, “the format will be opening remarks by CMS followed by a presentation that will include NGHP reporting best practices and reminders.”  The webinar notice can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding the updates, please contact Dan Anders, Chief Compliance Officer at or 888.331.4941.

PREMIER WEBINAR: Avoiding the Medicare Mandatory Reporting Penalty

June 29, 2020

Avoiding the Medicare Mandatory Penalty webinar banner

Regulations for Medicare Mandatory Reporting Penalty are in the process of being formalized!

Under the threat of up to a $1,000 per-day, per-claim penalty, most insurers and self-insurers have implemented processes to ensure Medicare beneficiary claimants are reported to Medicare per Section 111 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (MMSEA).

Penalties have never been imposed as the SMART Act specified that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) must formalize regulations prior to issuing them.  This past February, CMS released proposed regulations, which we detailed in this article: CMS Issues Proposed Rule for Mandatory Insurer Reporting Penalties.  Comments on the proposal were due in April and now we await a final regulation.

In a timely webinar, a full analysis of CMS’s penalties proposal will be provided by Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, Daniel Anders, Esq.  Joining Dan will be Jesse Shade, Tower’s VP of Information Technology, who will break down new user-friendly enhancements to Tower’s Mandatory Insurer Reporting platform that are designed specifically to avoid the penalties CMS seeks to impose.     

A Q&A session will follow the presentation.  Plan to attend the webinar on Wednesday, July 22,  at 2 pm ET.

Thank you,

Dan Anders
Chief Compliance Officer’s Coverage of the Pharmacy/Legacy Claims Webinar

June 1, 2020

stethoscope and insurance claim form

“The older the claim, the higher the costs—especially for prescription drugs,” wrote’s Nancy Grover, in this excellent recap of A Prescription for Settling Legacy Claims webinar. 

The May 19 webinar was presented by Dan Anders, Tower MSA Partners’ Chief Compliance Officer, and Phil Walls, Chief Clinical and Compliance Officer of myMatrixx. 

They said that aging claims increase the likelihood that the injured worker may become a Medicare beneficiary.  “That means those higher drug costs must be included in a Medicare Set-Aside,” she wrote.

The fast-paced webinar explains how and why prescription drug costs increase during the life of a claim. Brand name drugs, compounds (yes, still), and “prescription cascade” (prescribing new meds to address the side effects of other meds) top the list of cost-drivers.

To gain CMS approval of an MSA, medications that may not be needed or even being used must be allocated in the MSA. What’s more, they are priced at Redbook’s lowest average wholesale price (AWP), eliminating discounts the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) once provided. Side note: Phil describes issues with AWP in detail during the Q&A at the end of the webinar. 

Dan and Phil discussed ways an MSA provider and PBM can partner to identify and address unnecessary costs—without negatively impacting the injured worker’s treatment.  “We reach out to the treating physician for last dates of service to see what’s going on,” Dan said. “We also do drug reviews to see if there are alternatives that can be implemented.”

Presenters cited a case where an intervention reduced the total morphine equivalent dosage from a dangerous 480 mg per day to 120 mg per day.  The changes produced a savings of about $1 million. 

“Our goal is never to keep the injured worker from obtaining the therapy they need, but not to expose them to unnecessary prescribing,” Phil said.

To download the recording of this valuable webinar, please go to: